Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - A chiropractor who claims he can treat anyone by reaching back in time to when an injury occurred has attracted the attention of state regulators.
The Ohio State Chiropractic Board, in a notice of hearing, has accused James Burda of Athens of being "unable to practice chiropractic according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care due to mental illness, specifically, Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type."
Burda denied that he is mentally ill. He said he possesses a skill he discovered by accident while driving six years ago.
"My foot hurt and, knowing anatomy, I went ahead and I told it to realign and my pain went away," Burda said Thursday.
Burda calls his treatment "Bahlaqeem."
"It is a made-up word and, to my knowledge, has no known meaning except for this intended purpose. It does, however, have a soothing vibrational influence and contains the very special number of nine letters," Burda's Web site says.
The board alleges in three counts against Burda that the treatment is unacceptable and constitutes "willful and gross malpractice." Burda has until May 1 to request a hearing. The board can levy penalties ranging from a reprimand to revoking his license to practice, said Kelly Caudill, the board's executive director.
Caudill said she could not discuss the board's allegations while the investigation continues and could not comment on whether any of Burda's patients had complained. She said the board began the investigation when it learned of Burda's Web site. Burda said he likely will seek a hearing.
Burda said he charges nothing for his first "visit," usually by phone or Internet, and subsequent treatments are $60.
"All treatments are satisfaction-guaranteed. Treatment is always done before payment is made," Burda said, adding that one patient "just wasn't satisfied, and I tore up her check.
The Web site describes the treatment as "a long-distance healing service (not a product) to help increase the quality of your life that can be performed in the privacy of your home or other personal space. There is no need to come to my office."
The treatment is not telepathic because the patient does not have to believe in what he's doing, Burda said. He has treated hundreds of patients and reports nine out of 10 patients are satisfied, he said.
While he knows of no other people who have his particular skill, he said lawmakers and regulators should allow alternative forms of treatment for the patients who seek them.
"People who are in need cannot go to these people because they are not allowed to practice. This is terrible," Burda said.

On the Net:
Burda Web site:
Ohio State Chiropractic Board:
GREENSBURG, Pa. (AP) - A man in jail on charges of threatening to blow up the county courthouse was accused of trying to hire a hit man to kill four people and beat up his brother, authorities said.
William D. Mayercheck actually contacted an undercover police officer, not a hit man, prosecutors said Wednesday.
Mayercheck, 63, of New Stanton, was arraigned on five counts of criminal solicitation and related charges.
According to court documents, an informant in the Westmoreland County Prison told county Detective Terry Kuhns in December that Mayercheck intended to hire a hit man to kill several people who were causing him legal problems.
Kuhns provided a telephone number to the informant and, the next day, Mayercheck phoned the officer from a pay phone inside the prison, according to court documents. Authorities allege that Mayercheck, who nicknamed himself "Bloodhound," gave the purported assassin a list of five people.
Prosecutors said he wanted the man to kill his ex-wife, his brother's girlfriend, his court-appointed psychiatrist, and another man whom Mayercheck accused of stealing his car and motorcycle. Mayercheck also wanted his brother's arms broken, prosecutors said.
Mayercheck's family said he isn't a criminal.
"He was just depressed and despondent over his divorce," said Dr. Joseph Mayercheck, who was allegedly targeted by his brother. "He needed some treatment. After he got that treatment, he was fine."
Mayercheck was jailed in October on terroristic threat charges, accused of threatening to blow up the courthouse with a pipe bomb. Prosecutors said he sent another man to buy dynamite to build bombs that would be placed at the courthouse and at the Greensburg law office of his ex-wife's attorney.
A judge in December committed Mayercheck to a state hospital for mental treatment for 60 days.
A preliminary hearing on the latest charges is scheduled for April 13. Mayercheck remains in the county prison.
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - An Australian federal police officer has been suspended for consulting a clairvoyant as part of an investigation into a death threat made to the country's prime minister, a newspaper reported Sunday.
The officer, whose identity has not been released, reportedly consulted clairvoyant Elizabeth Walker after inquiries into the threat to Prime Minister John Howard hit a dead end, The Sunday Age reported.
In a statement to the newspaper, an Australian Federal Police spokesman confirmed an officer was being investigated.
"I can confirm we are currently investigating the matter. A member of the AFP has been suspended," the statement said. "The AFP takes seriously all allegations of misconduct by officers, and does not condone the use of psychics in security matters."
Details of the threat to Howard were not released.

A 31-year old Russian woman named Yulia Petrushina was sure her husband was cheating, so she cut off his penis and testicles with a kitchen knife :mad: and later tossed them out a car window a la Lorena Bobbit. Her husband Niclolay is having his "parts" surgically rebuilt and suprisingly, says he never wants to see his wife again :(

The Buzz-Ken White-Las Vegas Review Journal

Pittsburgh. PA. A construction worker was decapitated by an elevator car Thursday as he peered into a freight-elevator shaft, police said. The incident happened at the site of a nine-story former warehouse that is being converted into 140 apartments for students at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. The 44-yr. old man, whose name was not released, was employed by a sub-contractor for Massaro Corp. Massaro president said the elevator operator did not know the man was peering into the shaft--GROSS- what a horrible way to die- :( :(
A woman in the uk (name and pplace not stated) was found in her apartment with unopened christmas preasents and the tv on, the problem was she had been dead for 3 years on her sofa. Not till bailifs arrived to collect payment for bills did they find her. there was a mountain of male dating from 2003 till 2006 and in her fridge was food dated 2003.

Her neighbours admitted to smelling a bad smell but ignored it. The body was to badly decomposed to determine a cause of death though it appears to be naturall.
From the free weekly This is True newsletter:

HARD TO BELIEVE THIS PLAYED IN PEORIA: When Matt Robison, 21, of Ottawa, Ill., learned that a Brit had recently set a world record for the number of body piercings in one sitting, he set out to break the record. After 500 piercings at a tattoo studio, he modified his goal: it was so painful that instead of a planned 1,200 studs to break the record by a good margin, he'd settle for just breaking the record.
After 14 hours and 1,015 punctures, he declared victory. "It was taking its toll," he said afterward. "I'm just relieved it's done." But then he had all the piercings removed, which was just about as painful, he said. Was it worth it? Oh yes, Robison said. "I feel like I've done omething memorable with my life." (Peoria Journal Star) ...Excellent: he illustrated just how different "memorable" is from "worthwhile".

To get the free newsletter (with four news items each week) by email, go to
Yeah, I read that in the Sun, it is very sad :( and a poor reflection on today's society :mad:.
And I thought she was discovered by burglars and subsequently the police, not bailiffs! That the TV was on for three whole years and didn't blow up... WIERD
And some think tv is far fetched--ya and piercing your body 1,015 times is normal? Ya and something memorable I bet every time you look at a needle the pain comes back--IDIOT!
YUP- lots of weirdos-freaks-lunatics-crazzies-and just plain strange poelple out there :mad:

Plastic surgeon gets prison term in case

Houston, TX. A plastic surgeon accused of running over tow TV producers and leaving them bleeding on the side of the road, because he was intoxicated was sentenced to two years in prison :mad:. Mark Douglas Gilliland 53,, also was fined $10,000 under a setencing agreement reached Wednesday after his conviction Monday on two charges of intoxication assult. Both sides agreed that Gilliland had alcohol-a sleeping pill-a diet drug and an anti-drepressant in his system when his car struck the two women in March 2005. Joanna Moore's skull was fractured and Amanda Holland's jaw and ankle were broken. Prosecutor warren Diepraam said Gilliland probably will lose his medical license- YA THINK :eek: stupid ass----GAWD-!!!!!

Source- Las Vegas Review Journal
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