Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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Washington--A father racing to catch the train, forgot a baby daughter just north of Washington, polic said :eek: The, the Montgomery County, MD. Police department said, Johnathan Sander got a memory flash and returned to the Shady Grove Metorail station, about 12 miles north of Washington. Authorities had opened the car and taken the 7 month old girl to a hospital as a precaution. Sander was charged with leaving a child under 8 unattended in a car :( idiot :mad:

Source- The Buzz- Las Vegas Review Journal
Spider-hunting nudist ends with ring of fire

Apr 3, 11:05 AM (ET)

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A red-faced Australian nudist who tried to set fire to what he thought was a deadly funnel web spider's nest ended up with badly burned buttocks, emergency officials said Monday.

The 56-year-old man was at a nudist colony near Bowral, about 60 miles southwest of Sydney, Sunday when he spotted what he believed to be a funnel web spider hole.

Ambulance workers, including a helicopter crew, were called to the scene after the man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid.

"The exploding gasoline fumes left the man with burns to 18 percent of his body, on the upper leg and buttocks," the NRMA Careflight helicopter rescue service said in a statement.

It said the man's lack of clothing probably contributed to the extent of his burns.

"The fate of the bunkered spider was unknown, although other guests at the resort thought it was probably a harmless trapdoor spider and not a deadly funnel web," the statement said.

NRMA Careflight said it was called to a property in the same area in January when another man kicked a spider that was crawling up the wall of a friend's cabin. The man broke his leg in two places, it said.
STUPID -STUPID-STUPID :eek:on the fire crap-- :eek:


Somoma, Calif---The long strange trip continues for Jerry Garcia's toilet. Police say the Grateful Dead leader's commode was stolen from a driveway along with three other toilets and a bidget (what the H is a bidget) anyway. they have no suspect or leads :eek: Garcia's salmon-colored toilet was the subject of a legal battle before it was moved to Sonoma to await shipment to a Casino. Henry Koltys bought Garcia's Marin county house for $1.39 million in 1997 and removed the toilet and other items he planned to auction off :( After he sold the house to a friend of the band's, the new owner sued to block the auction. The dispute was resloved last year, and Koltys moved the items to his house in Sonoma. Last month, he sold the toilet for $2,550 to online casino, which planned to use it in a traveling marketing exibit. The casino is offering a $250 reward-- they'll never get it back- bet-cha

Source- The Associated Press

"Everyone is entitled to be stupid- but some abuse the priviledge"

The first World marijuana Film Festival, set for May 28-June 3rd in Ibiza, spain, will focus on four categories of pot films-features-documentaries-short subjects and cultivation. The organizer, High Times editor Steven Hager, says there's a need for a cannabis-oriented film festival :eek:especially for how-to-grow videos, but sadly "it's not taken seriously" he expects at least 12 films will compete for the coveted "Golden Leaf" award, including "AKA Tommy Chong, "a documemtary about the comedian's arrest for incarceration for selling a bong. Hager expects the film festival to be a hugh hit "Spain has competely decrimina;ized marijuana so people will be able to partake while watching the films" he says :devil:

Source- The Buzz- Ken White- Review Journal

Motorists will flee London on April 23 and try to arrive in southern England without being spotted by seekers in the world's largest game of hid and seek. Organizer Justin Clements expects an orderly game, i.e. no crazy car chases, because points are earned as soon as guards spot excapees on the road. he doesn't expect excapees will draw the attention of police either, because "we're English" we all look suspicious!!!!!

Source The Buzz- Ken White- Las Vegas Review Journal

Getting on and off an elevator can be the source of etiquette blunders, says Bill Crawford of Harrisburg, PA. Crawford, the aauthor of a new etiquette maunal "Elevator Rules" says the single most common--and most annoyning--elevator "faux pas" is getting onto an elevator before all the people have exited. Other annoyning elevator errors cited by Crawford include takng it up one floor instead of taking the stairs , and pushing the call button repeatedly. Crawford says his expierence in the coporate world helped him come up with the rules for behavior and thinks, if used properly, taking the elevator can be a learning experience :eek :WHATEVER- another person who needs other interests- get a life dude

Source- The Buzz- Ken White Review Journal
I think it was Gallagher who once asked why a person would push the button repeatedly. Does it make the elevator think there are more than one person waiting for it?

Scientists in Japan have developed a high remote-controlled koi robot that surpasses the abilities of the real fish by swimming in reverse and rotating in place. However, the three-foot, 26-pound white and red koi is not a toy :eek:. There's a camera built into it's head and sensors for analyzing water qualitiy

The Buzz-by Ken White compiled by Wireless Flash News service- Las Vegas Review Journal
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