Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"
yeah, she deserves some attention. and then someone would randomly mention it before Danny - yeah I kinda want him to suffer a little. which is an improvement. last week I wanted him to suffer a lot :lol:
Yeah, that would be nice. Lindsay is - hot - and I can't see why she shouldn't get attention from other men, and at the same time make her feel wanted, and Danny jealous. He screwed up one of the best things in his life - he'll have to pay alot to get it back
it would be great if the team kinda took her side. not giving Danny the cold shoulder but supporting Lindsay, maybe asigning them on different cases. or going to lunch with her. or shopping, I like that idea a lot
Yeah, I can see the team taking turns taking her out to lunch, asking her out for drinks, Stella inviting her on a shopping spree since all her pretty clothes are burnt to a crisp... you know, fun stuff

Ha, but poor Danny will be all sad and alone, and for some reason, I think it would be Lindsay who'd want to spend time with him after a while of this ignoring thing going on

I dont think he does. otherwise he would turn to some of them. Lindsay was talking about how he chose to deal with it alone and I think that she would found out if he turned to Flack. it would probably sting a little but she would understand
I don't think Lindsay would be upset at all if he had turned to Flack, and if he did, she would have known about it. Danny has known Flack for much longer, and their trust, is different between to that between Danny and Linds. If he didn't want Lindsay involved, he should have gone to Flack, the fact that he didn't, well clearly he has forgotten who he is. I'm surprised he still knows his own name
But oh well, I just hope Lindsay will stay strong no matter what Danny says to her in tomorrow's episode, if he says anything to her in the first place. Linds isn't a pushover. She'll push back if he puts her in that position. I loved how angry she seemed when Danny was being all stupid with her in 416
Selfish? That would be Danny - not Linds.
i believe it will crash her but i hope she wont react bad to this and understand that even alone she is thousand times better than Rikki, and turn to her friends for comfort......and NOT the comfort Rikki needs to overcome pain.
Lindsay is stronger than that. She survived the massacre of her friends and that hurt she carried in her for MUCH longer than she's known Danny. And they've only been together what? Less than a year. If anything, she's going to feel numb, and perhaps, slightly unwanted - but she'll get through it because she knows she's better than that. He doesn't dictate her life - and she's not going to let him. If anyone is going to get upset, it's going to be Danny.
Rikki shouldn't be mentioned anymore - this is the Lindsay thread she is a bajillion times better than Rikki and that is all.
at any rate im counting the hours till the next ep comes to finally see Linds further reaction to the whole story and her attitude towards Danny.....
Oh I can't wait. I'm torn between wanting Lindsay to understand and simply leave him as she gathers her thoughts, and me wanting her to slap him and then leave to gather her thoughts.
AND if she really wants to make him even more guilty, she might add a "I hope you two are happy together" and that, if he still cares for her, and I know he does, is going to hurt like a drill through the chest cavity.
Sadist - me? Maybe...masochist? Probably. :lol: