Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"
Or maybe it's more of a height issue. :lol: Lindsay is the shortest member of the cast. Flack is like two feet (ok, not quite that much) taller than she is. Maybe it's an issue of trying to get them both in the screen at the same time. Of course, if that's the case, she could always just be standing on something -- stools, crates, stairs, that kind of thing.
Now that I think about it, I think a joke about the difference in height would be kind of amusing.
Well their height difference is certainly evident, but we could always have the both of them sitting down or something at a cafe, I'm sure they'd both fit on screen without having to pan out too much
I can someone agree that Lindsay might not be so warm to Flack because he's a close friend of Danny, but at the same time, Flack isn't Danny. It's obvious Don and Linds aren't that close, so building up that friendship on screen would be fun to watch.
I personally like watching Danny and Lindsay work cases together because they work together really well. It's when the writers ignore Lindsay's relationships with other people in the lab that annoys me, and when they portray her as "needing" Danny. Like you said, she doesn't need him. He helps, but he isn't the air she breathes.
If you don't get too attached, you can't be hurt. If you push people away, you hurt them before they can hurt you. I can get that. It doesn't make Lindsay a lovable person, but I can understand where she's coming from.
Well, I agree it doesn't make her the world's most lovable person, but I'm glad the writers do stick to that character. It's a clear sign from her past and what she had to deal with, but it also shows that the writers actually thought about encorporating her past with her character rather than treating the shooting like it never happened.
One thing that I wonder if she's ever thought that the parents of her friends ever wished she had died and their daughter had lived (not that long a stretch), if so, well it'd also kinda explain why she does come across as slightly "selfish" sometimes. Perhaps she has to put herself first because she feels no ones cared about her enough. From her actions up to this point, I get the feeling that she wen't through the shooting pretty much alone, and is used to dealing with things alone, keeping everyone out. Danny probably threw her off balance because he wanted to help, and she's just not used to that kind of attention.
I don't know why the writers insist on putting her and Danny on nearly every case together.
They haven't worked that many cases this season, at least not that I remember anyway. Most of the ones they did were whole team cases so they kinda did have to work together

The last episode was good, no Danny and Lindsay got to shine without any emotional drama overshadowing the case itself.
Hopefully whichever direction the season goes, we don't get anymore big drama scenes (wishful thinking?) I just want the whole thing resolved and move on. It's been a pain in the backside waiting for episodes to air. Grr.