Hit and Run
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"
Most of the women on the online fandom...on the message boards i checked at least stand by Lindsay. A cheating is a cheating nomatter how you rationalize it or want to excuse simply because you have got a crush on the cheater.I know such a thing can blur your pesrpective but it doesnt change facts. then we could all be cheatersa nd blame it on the circumstances. Sometimes a duck is just a duck!
Lets see tonight how Linds copes with the whole situation and lets hope she remains the strong woman she has shown us she is.....
Most of the women on the online fandom...on the message boards i checked at least stand by Lindsay. A cheating is a cheating nomatter how you rationalize it or want to excuse simply because you have got a crush on the cheater.I know such a thing can blur your pesrpective but it doesnt change facts. then we could all be cheatersa nd blame it on the circumstances. Sometimes a duck is just a duck!
Lets see tonight how Linds copes with the whole situation and lets hope she remains the strong woman she has shown us she is.....