Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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^The "WOT" episode was good. ;)

Agrees with everyone that this will be a great season for Lindsay! :)

I got the cutest email today. Sabi, one of my internet friends, and Anna fan, sent me a picture that her son drew--- a picture of Anna on a sailboat (she likes sailing and stuff---things his mom knew about) and then he drew a picture of Danny and Linds on boat---so sweet. He doesn't watch the show (at least not very much because he is so young) but he says Anna is 'relwy purty'---I just had to share that! :)

Should I make a poll for the next thread title? Or did we settled on "Hello, Ms. Monroe?" :confused:
Aud... I'd go ahead and just make a new thread, use "Hello Ms. Monroe" and if we can change it if we need to.. :)

Thats so cute about your friends son... :)
I wasn't sure what to do... I went and made a poll anyway...hope that's okay. It's short because most people have voiced a preference...but I wanted to make it fair in case people had changed their minds. :)
The only thing is that Hello, Miss Monroe is very shippery, so it might not should be used for a general fan thread.
I stuck with the Country/City theme we have going for her. I do like the others as well. ;) Once the season starts all bets are off on what name we use because maybe something esle will pop up.
I voted for "Country girl Rocks the Big Apple", "Hello Ms Monroe" is cute, but like someone said, its kinda shippy... oh well, looks like the country/city girl one is winning.. :) YAY NEW THREAD!!! ANDDDDDD 2 WEEKS FROM TONIGHT GALS!!
I voted for "Hello, Miss Monroe". Yes, it is shippy, and I am a D/L shipper, but that's not why I chose it. I just thought it was the cutest name. "Country Girl Rocks The Big Apple" is cute too, though.
I voted for "Hello, Miss Monroe", but im not a D/L shipper. Country Girl Rocks The Big Apple and Montana Girl in the Big City sound somewhat the same.
I voted for "Hello Ms. Monroe" Because
a) it's a good one
b) country girl rocks the big apple is too similar to the one we have now
c) Danny said it to Linds, and that's all that matters ;)
The reason why I listed Hello Ms. Monroe as one of the choices is because she doesn't always need to be identified with Montana. I know that it sounds 'shipperish' because Danny said that to her in "Risk." I don't think she should be identified as Danny 'potential love interest'---although I am a shipper.

Let's get to know Ms. Monroe instead of just knowing "Montana." ;)
I voted for Hello, Ms. Monroe. I must admit I never really was a fan of Anna, until rewatching Necrophilia Americana. Anna didn't have that much screentime in that episode, but she was so cute in it. I loved the 'I'm letting them do their work'-scene with Danny. With the bugs.. she giggles so cute in it.
audacity said:
The reason why I listed Hello Ms. Monroe as one of the choices is because she doesn't always need to be identified with Montana. I know that it sounds 'shipperish' because Danny said that to her in "Risk." I don't think she should be identified as Danny 'potential love interest'---although I am a shipper.

Let's get to know Ms. Monroe instead of just knowing "Montana." ;)

Very true. I like it Auda well pointed out!
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