Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

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I love "Hello Ms. Monroe" but I'm the kind that is like "eh well, people think its shippy - so I will too..." *kicks self for becoming a follower* lol... I'm fine with anything... its all about Anna anyway, who cares what the thread title is? :)

Anna was really cute in "Necrophelia Americana" I gotta try and find my tape with that episode on it, I cannot wait to get my S2 DVD's... ehhhh 1 month, yay.
Happy Birthday, Feenx! :D

I thought the dvd's were supposed to be coming out October 7? :confused:

Looks like 'Hello Ms. Monroe' is winning! I'm starting to really like this one! :cool:
Sneak back in girl!

Okay, we need a question here...What is the best Lindsay episode and why? I'll answer later. ;)

Sweet Dreams Everyone!! :)
aww, Auda's missed me. :D

Why do you get to answer later?.. Oh I get it. You want to steal someones answers.... Wait, thats me.
Cath! I missed you too... i dont remember when season 2 comes out, its either oct 17 or 7 either way mine are already reserved so yay!!! i cant wait. i really like "hello ms monroe" so "cute" i guess is the word... :)
wow, um best Lindsay ep? I'd say "All Access" in that ep we see all sides of Lindsay, worried, mad, strong, you know what I mean, right guys?
I loved her in "All Access". soooo i just have to get this out there... :) i got called Hollywood today at work... i seriously felt like Lindsay (yeah yeah shes montana, theres a difference... whatever) and this really hott guy that i work with said it to me and i was like "oh my gosh, my own little d/l AU goin' on here" lol
"Stealing Home" was a goodie, and so was "Supermen"... happy birthday Feenx!!! **plays happy birthday tune as a one man band**
Happy B-Day to you, Feenx!!

I think one of my fav. Lindsay episodes was All Access. To she her emotions. "Superman" was good as well...
I also liked her in Manhattan Manhunt. We didn't see alot of her, but when Mac wouldn't let her work on a certain case, we got to see her anger(a bit).
I think my favorite Lindsay episode was Stealing home. She just did an amazing job and I really liked the storyline. And I liked her in Dancing With The Fishes. At least that's what I think the name was. (It was the one where she worked the case with the chick with the fake black eye.) And All Access was a good one for her, too.
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