Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Everyone who posts in the Eric/Calleigh thread in the Shipper Central forum. ;)

We ask that everyone discuss any potential romantic pairings between the characters in the appropriate threads in that forum as not everyone ships the characters the same way and there are those who do not ship the characters at all. ;)

and btw...welcome to the forum, dying_for_delko. :)
xanessa said:
I know that one of Delko's sister's name is Marisol and another is Anna but I'm not sure about the last one.
Where did you get Anna from? I dont' ever remember hearing that on the show?
I don't remember an Anna, either. I think Marisol is the only one we've gotten.

Eric's parents are officially battling Catherine Willows for Worst Parents of the Year Award. Their daughter dies and their son gets shot and they don't even make an appearance?
Hahaha, yes they are battling for an award XD I hope we get to see them though :( I mean, seriously, they NEVER show up at all. I hope we get all the names of the family, etc. :( I think it wasn't an accident, the whole tombstone thing. They're WAY to good to make an error like that...

Either that or... the writer was asleep :lol:
dying_for_delko said:
sorry about that. I'm new...

No worries, and welcome again. :)

As for the names of Eric's sisters...Marisol is the only one I ever recall seeing/hearing myself.
Um, we don't doubt that you did or didn't xanessa. I think the point is that many of us are longtime Miami fans and I am sure we would've read and/or heard the other names of Eric's sisters by now. And for us to not know this... as opposed to just one person is a bit odd.

Marisol has been the only sister actually mentioned/seen on the show. The only sister on Miami whose name begins with an "A" is Natalia's sister, Anya. I won't go much farther than that as this is an Eric thread.

But yes, they really need to show other members of Eric's family. Doesn't have to be a comglomorate - just one would suffice.
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