Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Mmmm very nice!

I know! I was wondering where everyone was!

No one want to comment on season 6 Delko??
I like Eric this season. He seems to have matured a lot. That has probably something to do with Calleigh, but I like this responsible side of him, and of course his sense of humor is still there. Characters have to grow and evolve, and I gotta say, I think Eric is the only character the writers have taken the time to take on that journey. Everyone else seems the same as they were when they were introduced (some have even evolved backwards like Ryan) and that's really frustrating and not too believable. That's why to me, Eric's always been the most realistic of the characters. And the most human.
I do agree, I think Eric is the most "human", at least in the category of the guys on the show. But I think his maturity showed up way back in S4 when he was faced w/ losing Marisol (& speedle too earlier). She was so important to him, i think he started looking at things different at that time & then on top of it all having almost lost his own life as well. Those things combined is what makes a person have a better perspective on life & how you live it. S4 opened his eyes in a big way!
IMO, it seems, since he was shot, he has 'changed' - as Calleigh said.

He IS differnt, softer, more hesitant. I suppsoe that's also to do with the fact he's lost so much; Speed his sister, and now he almost lost his own life. That's opened his eyes big time. Near death experiences will do that to you.

He's grown up alot throughout the seasons, and I credit Adam for showing us that. Many would simply let the writing show it, but Adam went above and beyond. An excellent actor.
I think Delko has matured a lot if you compare him over the past few seasons as he has had a lot to cope with being shot himself, losing his sister and his best friend Speed. I am not a huge fan of Delko but I have noticed a change in his character for the better.
i think loosing Speed sort of sobered him up, started looking at things more seriously. but when everything with Marisol happened is when he really started to mature. And then on top of that being shot and almost loosing his life is enough to make anyone reasses their life and maturatiy is bound to come from that.
Losing Speed made him lose himself before he grew up. Look at his toothing. He did that because he couldn't cope with the magnitude of losing his friend. But after that came responsibility. He needed to step up for Marisol, then for Calleigh and finally for himself. Now he's realised how important life is and gained a lot more respect for himself.
:lol: :lol:Thats awesome!!! My god, if I was Matthew i'd totally be tackling him to the ground :devil:

He has the nicest arms...why doesn't he ever just wear short sleeve shirts on the show?? I think we all need to send in some responses to csi miami about this wardrobe situation. Adam is hot, hell all the boys are hot! Less clothing, please!!
Good lord, woman, are you vying for shirtless Caruso? Let me nay that notion right this instance, please, for the sake of my unburnt retinas.

But shirtless Delko: I say yes to that.
Shirtless Delko, I hit the record button and drool....Shirtless Caruso, I throw the tv out the window and hope there is no permanent damage done to my eyesight.
Oh,I think Caruso is a very handsome man. I said LESS clothing not necessarily shirtless. Eric & Ryan...shirtless...yes, Caruso can at least roll his sleeves up! Theres always sunless tanning spray, my friend. :D
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