Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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:lol: OMG, Raging4Ryan, that pic had me giggling so much! :lol: And welcome to the thread! Cute banner, btw. ;)

That's alright _ransom, I fell behind in writing too. I just recently started picking things up again, so no biggie. What's your LJ name?

Okay, got another question that's been bugging me. According to the bio Enigma so graciously provided the link for, Eric was born on December 1976. That means he just turned 30, which would make him 29 at the time of Marisol's death last season. His bio says that he's the youngest of the Delko children.

So the question is, how old was Marisol supposed to be when she died? I ask b/c in S4 finale, OOOO, her tombstone said she was born in 1978, and that would make her about 27 or 28 at the most at the time of her death, younger than Eric. *shakes head* I'm confused. Does anyone know what the deal is? :confused: Or did the writers mess that little but important detail up?
My LJ name is aerieo :)

Ah yes, I think they just made the mistake on that one and never noticed. I believe Delko is suppose to be the youngest and they just made the mistake of carving the wrong year on the stone for Marisol. It happens. Maybe it was the actually person they hired to engrave in the numbers fault?
Maybe, but they could have easily fixed that with CGI. That's what the Harry Potter people had to do to fix Tom Riddles tomb stone.
When they did it the first time, and they even released promo pics of it, they had Tom (Marvolo) Riddle, which is Voldemort's full name, not his fathers. :lol: Marvolo was his mother's father's name.
Earth To Athlov Come back to CSI:Miami Land. lol I never noticed that about Marisol's tomb stone. If Eric ws born 1976, and Marisol was born 1978(according to tomb stone) then they definatly messed up or they forgot that somewhere in the season they mentioned he was yougner than her. I definatly remember Marisol saying this like "Thanks little brother" and some other things like that to Eric. So I am just kind of repeating you guys for no reason really but oh well. You guys have good eyes. I would have never noticed that about Marisol's tombstone.
No, Eric is the youngest of all the Delko children and the only male. I think including Marisol there were four children. So now that Marisol is gone he has two older sisters and him. I know DUH right? :lol: Simple math but then again I am a simple person! :D
We know he was younger. We were just saying how the producers or whatever messed up because on Marisol's tombstone the year was after Eric's,therefore they messed up by saying she was younger-by accident.
Oh sorry that was my bad...I misunderstood what you guys were saying.

Ever think maybe it wasn't an accident? Sometimes the producers of shows throw in things like that to throw people off. I've seen it in movies too. When asked they say that wasn't an accident we just through that out there to see who would catch it.

Although it could just be an accident. Ya know someone mistyped something or didn't read the numbers the right way.
Hmm.. never thought of it being messed up on purpose. Maybe something will happen later in the seasonwith something to do with Marisol and maybe they will explain it or something! I mentioned somewhere else on this thread that this show is so unpredictable!!
Yeah, I had noticed that goof with Marisol's tombstone too when One of Our Own aired. With that said, I am wondering if we will get too see at least another member of Eric's family soon.

This topic had been mentioned in the prev. thread but I think it's important enough, especially when considering what just happened to Eric. It would be really great to see the other members of his family.

I'd really like to see the writers explore his rocky relationship with his father. Or at least introduce another sister.

I feel so much for the Delko family... they already had to bury one child, and now they have to go through this! :(
Yeah I mean it is almost like this poor family is cursed! or at least has a very dark cloud hanging over it!! Jeez how much trauma can only family take?

Unfortunately I don't think we are going to see his parents b/c they aren't mentioned as guest stars for the ep :(
^I could never agree with you more!!!

I know that one of Delko's sister's name is Marisol and another is Anna but I'm not sure about the last one.
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