Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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MacsGirlMel, yes, please do some searching! It would be so interesting to see how that developes if it were true.

And, ILuvJonathanTogo, I definitely thought it was funny when he picked up those sunglasses. But personally, my favorite part was the, "wah wah wah" and the, "be explosive, Adam"... then Adam threw his hands out and made noises. Funny stuff! :lol:
I don't believe it. He got shot...and this is the only way I can see him shirtless. The people who write the show should think of a new way to get him shirtless.

He did look very hot on the Early Show though. I was laughing when he showed his thumb at the way he was poking fun at it.
Thank God, a new Adam thread! Didn't thread six seem to go on forever?

I'm all for the shirtlessness, seeing Adam's pert nipples is like the fangirl eqivalent of seeing Jesus or something. I'm not happy about the blood though, I may just have to pretend it's strawberry sauce that I spread all over him and intend to lick off. Yeah, that works. Who would need fine china if they could just eat all their meals off of that?

It needs to be Monday already.

New thread...awesome!

My co-workers and 14 year old sister say I am OBSESSED with AR & CSI Miami!

Is that necessarily a bad thing? And what is considered obessive?

BTW...if anyone has not seen the video yet and wants to see the CBS Early Show appearance, here is the link. The video part is on the right side of the screen and you may have to scroll down.

Enjoy everyone!!!
New Eric thread. Horay! Tis very sad indeed how the only way we get to see a shirtless Eric is if he is in mortal danger. I miss the old wifebeater seasons. That ep when he was washing his car... YUM!

I have a friend who was in a bike crash and hit her head pretty hard. She still suffers from memory loss to date, and it was over a year ago. It's weird talking to her about things that happened prior to the accident and not having her remember. So yes, I can imagine what a bullet to the head will do to ones memory. Hopefully the writers will do the whole thing justice and make the viewers actually believe it, if this rummor is true.

In regards to the Early Show, which I happened to catch because of insomnia, he really should go to a doctor and get that poor blister under his nail drained. It's such an easy problem to fix. Aside from that, I love how comfortable Adam and David were with each other. The joking around and pats on the shoulders and arms where so much fun to watch. Dispite how distant the characters seem in the show, at least we know the actors have built some sort of relationship with one another. It's very refreshing to see.
Bring on the washboard abs....come to think of it I think I have laundry that needs cleaning anyway!! :lol: Do you thnink he would mind? I mean he is unconscious! Would they consider that indecent touching?!!! :devil:
I'm a paralegal and well between all the Adam talk and my brain on legal matters 24/7, I ended up having a dream that Adam (as Eric) was an attorney at my job. We were working on a case and everyone in the office kept interrupting!

Man oh man... how do I wish that dream came true. Though, if it did, I'd get fired for not doing any work! :lol:

And as for new ways to get Adam shirtless on the show, perhaps we can start a petition or something. Or at least suggest an episode involving a crime at a water park.
So we've moved from shirtless Delko to shirtless and wet Delko! I like it, and I second the notion for a water park crime...

Or maybe he can just forget the wet suits for an underwater recovery. Maybe it could... um... compromise evidence :lol:
Well, here we are at a new thread and we've discussed Adam shirtless, wet, bloodied and in wifebeaters. :devil:

Oh, how I miss the good ol days.

Injured or not, here's to us getting to see shirtless Delko *raises glass* Cheers!

Images courtesy of Miami Style
Thanks for the pictures! I think he should set that hose down, let it spray on himself and then we can all join in! Hahahaha. I would say just me, but I'm not selfish :D

Monday is getting closerrrrr.
::Drools on keyboard::

As close to speechless as I'll ever get. Huge thanks for the pics. I've been thinking about that scene all evening. Damn you A&E for being in the 4th season! Grrrrr.

I'm off to bed now. Good thing I have eye candy to start some sweet, sweet dreams ;)
Hi there! I'm new to this thread, but I really like Eric/Adam. I think he's hot! :D

Gotta question... Can anyone tell me if we know the names of Eric's parents? :confused: I only started watching the show the beginning of Season 3, so I don't know if he ever mentioned his parents' names. Thanks.
Awesome!! I've read the names Pavel and Clorinda in some fanfics before, but I wasn't sure if that was madeup or canon. So, thanks so much for the info and the link, Enigma312!! *runs off to check it out* :D
Shadowfax I really fell behind on your fanfics I need to catch up lol Also, I started a new LJ so I need to get up to date. I'm kind of not able to get online as much anymore since constant school projects :(

Oh god, not being able to catch up with the threads is so freaking hard.

I took a lot of funny screencaptions of Season 1. In between expression screencaptions, which are the most hilarious! I'll upload some of Delko here soon ;)
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