Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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midnight_tiptoes said:Nice of him to do that, though. Good luck, Adam. Myspace has bred some of the most batshit insane psycho stalkers.

Hmm, too true. And on top of stalkers you have the wanna be hackers. In fact, I think it would be nice if someone sent Adam a message with tips for Myspacing (bah, I think I just made a new word.) It should be tittled something along the lines of "How to Avoid Getting Your Ass Skrewed: Watching Out for Wolves Now That You're Part of The Herd." It's so easy to fall for traps when you don't know what to look out for.

I watched the Yahoo video the other day. For the first time in years I actually wished Monday would hurry and get here already. Only about 12 more hours to go.
Fo serious. The internet gods got to me a long time ago. Hooray for putting lives at stake. God, I hate constant surveys. at least he didn't post every single little life detail about him. Glad I didn't either.

If everyone were to scream about tonight, then the world would be deaf, right??
^The world would be deaf and all the glass would shatter b/c my cousin screams like a little girly girl and comes close to breaking glass on a regualr imgagine that tempo in regards to a shirtless Delko and this episode.

Dude everyone run out and buy ear plugs :lol:
Hows a bout it. We all scream when the ep comes on (Ok, diff. time zones, but same thing, we get it multpile times)
Ah, JK. My parents would slaughter me if I went screaming like a nut. not that I already do when CSIM comes on. :)

12 hours 12 minutes
I'll add even though I like never use my Myspace...too busy on Livejournal lol. Hopefully he doesn't get hurt by it. (at least with the offical one, imposters can't pop up...someone did that to Carmine on NY a while back...)
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
dying_for_delko said:
it's 5 degrees out, and there's tons of snow.
your so lucky :lol: And im not even being sarcastic!
A-greed. In Los Angeles it's never below 70. TOO. HOT.
So excited! (and I thought Hawaii was 3 hrs behind LA, why only 1 hr? Do you have a special network that shows it two hrs early?)

3 hrs 51 minutes
hm.. I dont know why the time difference got all weird. It airs here at 9pm, What about you? I dont know how much a difference that would make though...anyways today it reached super low, about 65 degrees!
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