Adam/Delko #7- Warning: May Cause Spontaneous Combustion

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Thanks for sharing that information Shehir with us. I'll be sure to check it out and add.

So... is anyone becoming wicked anxious about tomorrow's episode? I'm not sure how much more I can wait. I've never looked forward to Monday this much, haha! :lol:

Adam really shone in the last episode and I am sure he will this time even more - though he probably won't be saying as much. They do say actions speak louder than words...
Oh, I know I am! But I have to wait until tuesday to watch it. Maybe I should call in sick to work :devil:
Thanks for posting that link Shehir! I checked it out, its cool to find a celeb thats cool with having group made for him and that he actually contributes to them!
I too am super excited for Monday's episode! I cant wait to see what happens-I hope im not goign to regret being so excited. I hope everything works out okay.
Just wanted to say hello to all, its been awhile since I was here. I am so looking forward to Monday night. I tried hard to not look at spoilers this season then when Eric got shot that was it I have been back to the spoilers.
Well back to reading.
I just saw something that got my heart pounding about tomorrow night's ep if you want to be spoiled about what it is go to the "Man Down" spoiler thread b/c my spoiler box isn't working so I don't want to post it here....but serisouly it is like :eek:
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Earth To Athlov Come back to CSI:Miami Land. lol I never noticed that about Marisol's tomb stone. If Eric ws born 1976, and Marisol was born 1978(according to tomb stone) then they definatly messed up or they forgot that somewhere in the season they mentioned he was yougner than her. I definatly remember Marisol saying this like "Thanks little brother" and some other things like that to Eric. So I am just kind of repeating you guys for no reason really but oh well. You guys have good eyes. I would have never noticed that about Marisol's tombstone.

YEAH! LOl... i was watching a sweet mv of horatio and marisol and then i saw the tombstone and was like O.O ... i had ALWAYS thought that marisol was older! she's in fact is younger... OOPS.. >.< .. now fanfics all wrong.. >.< LOL.. *sigh* .. its still.. it makes it sweeter in a sense, he takes care of his lil sis.. XD
delkolover said:
I just saw something that got my heart pounding about tomorrow night's ep if you want to be spoiled about what it is go to the "Man Down" spoiler thread b/c my spoiler box isn't working so I don't want to post it here....but serisouly it is like :eek:

Ok, I just watched the clip and good Lord, we are in for a doozy tomorrow night! My heart began to race while watching the clip. All I hope is that Eric doesn't go through anything more after this because that would just be torture. I will say that seeing Adam shirtless was ... fan-flippin'-tastic. It was muy caliente despite the fake blood. :devil: I cannot wait to purchase this episode on iTunes.
SincerelyInDenial Now I really want to see this episode!!!-Shirtless Eric- :D Cant wait... I think he has been shirtless in an episode already or I think atleast in a tanktop, but anyways..I cant wait!
Nothing rocks more than a shirtless Delko....I just wish it wasn't under these cirmcumstances but hey in the end I'm not complaining :D
The internet gods are testing me, but I still refuse to get a myspace. La resistance lives on!

Nice of him to do that, though. Good luck, Adam. Myspace has bred some of the most batshit insane psycho stalkers.
So I have a few things to say about that video...
First of all, this is definitely proving to be well worth the wait. Second of all, I'm guessing that as soon as the doctor calls the TOD Eric makes that huge gasp for air and we all start breathing again as well :). Oh, and lastly... slow internet connections can be such a tease. My computer stopped the Yahoo video right as they were showing a full shot of Delko's torso. Yummm.
Okay, I'm done. I cannot wait for tomorrow night!
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