SpeedsDaughter said:
Oh boy, at least the initial shock has wavered down. Except now it seems the thread has divided - kinda scary. This could wind up pretty nasty. [/ hesitant Nervous Nelly]
The thread isn't all that divided. What Danny did made as angry - at him, and you'd have to be dead to not see that coming

As for division, I think most of us don't want Lindsay to take Danny back with open arms, but still want DL to pull through together.
Personally, if they work out their general communication problems by the end of the season, and decide to continue their relationship, I'd like to see Danny slowly regaining Lindsay's trust throughout season 5. Even though that might mean no pool table smex (and Danny needs a new bed now - I will burn the old one) anytime soon, it does show Danny caring for Lindsay, and he wants her back - like they used to be before all of this...mess started.
Yes, being all happy
can be boring (but said rule doesn't apply to DL - because they are DL

), but too much Drama is just a turn off. TV is supposed to be fun and exciting, not "angerfying" and depressing.
So yes, even though their relationship pulls through, I do hope the writers show continuity by not having DL act like this never happened. They need to talk about it and go on from there, slowly. Danny's inevitably thrown Lindsay's trust out the window, so regaining that is going to be fun to watch, especially when Lindsay's going to be torn between letting him in and holding him at arm's length. Face it, she's not the clingy needy girlfriend; after finding out about Danny and Rikki, she's not going to rush having him back in her life - she doesn't need that heartache.
Urgh, this is such a mess. The writers better know what they're doing or I'm going to go egg all o' them.
Ignoring everything everyone has posted (because I can), because of this Rikki/Danny scene thing, I can see a lot of potential. I can totally see Danny trying to figure all of this out throughout an ep, while the team works on a case. Towards the middle, he realizes that he needs his Lindsay and tells Rikki to stop this. He lets her down easy, showing just how gentle he really is. Then at the end, he runs up to Lindsay in the lab and kisses her senseless.
Yes, there is alot of potential. But that potential can go both ways, which is why everyone's on edge - it's not clear what the writers are trying to do. Nothing makes sense, not even the spoilers.

I think they're just purposely trying to confuse everyone with this. Danny definitely needs time to think this through and figure out what he wants, but I suggest he go no where near Lindsay's lips, because she is going to give him a piece of her mind if he does - especially once she finds out about Rikki. She's not that kind of person who is in constant need of a male companion - she can live without him for a while, and in that time, Danny needs to find out how to get her back, without treating her like rubbish.
He wants her back. I just know it.
Who doesn't? :lol:
Now, feel free to throw things at me for this, I'll be hiding for awhile.
*throws marshmellows* hehehehe. *hugs you* Don't hide! We wubs you! (or at least I do

Little_Peaches said:
Writers take note - give us our fluffiness back and cause Drama! for someone else. Granted they can't put any more on Stel for at least 6 episodes but what about a further insight to Adam? Or give Hawkes & Flack some air time.
Yeah, they need to reroute the drama somewhere else! Why they always pickin' on us? Hopefully after all this crap, they'll realise we no likey too much drama and go play with Flack, and Hawkes - Hawkes needs to get laid.
Poor Stel, I feel so guilty for not caring about her apartment being set on fire at all! :scream: Hehe...seriously, I don't remember a thing from that episode aside from the DL scenes, the ikki scenes, and the goldfish (thanks
We want cheesy happiness! The only angst I wanna see for at least 3 episodes is 'You can't wear your red shirt - it'll clash with my pink dress!'
Pink dress? Lindsay - in a pink dress? I can't picture it. LOL! Maybe I'm not a fan of pink, but I always figured a more...dark maroon, or champagne colour.
eveninstarz14 said:
I love how we want other characters to suffer just because we are sick of our characters suffering all the time.
Hey, we got our turn, twice, so let someone else be played with for a while!
Dims said:
hey!!! talk about yourself...i wouldnt mind inflicting some serious pain in LV.
Sorry babe, pain = more screen time = nausea. Do the math
i soo wish i could get the same avie as the rest of you guys.....i dont know when i will be able to do so though!!!!
50 Posts, 2 weeks membership.
I have noticed many of you seem hopeful about the future and i like that....im not as upset as i was ofcourse but i am still supporting some serious distance between my Linds and the gigolo of the lab ....actually no literal distance...i mean i would love it if they worked together in cases and she was with him as cold as he was with her on the phone when he was preparing breakfast for the grieving mother
Oh yes, the shock is wearing off and now we're just bored (and plotting....) Hey, CatNip is preparing to burn TPTB's fences, I say we join them and steal their cars.
But yeah, if they want to have a realistic relationship, they need to put some distance between them for a while (probably and episode or two in TPTB's eyes

) But if they wanted to be mean to Danny, they wouldn't have Lindsay give him the cold shoulder, they'd have her be (or act) happy around him, but completely ignore his please for forgiveness.

That - hurts - alot, more so than yelling and/or the cold shoulder, I should know...
Little_Peaches said:
We don't want them to suffer! Not to the extent of poor Stel with her psychotic bf & flat burning down malarky anyway
I wonder if they have some kind of drama bag. "Who's going to get the next DRAMA arc! and Boom, everyone's tags are glued to the bottom aside from Danny, Lindsay, DL, and Stella. Mac sometimes comes unglued because of too much shaking. Oh! And then they find Flack and Hawkes sitting on the table cos they weren't even in the bag in the
first place.
I want cheer and joy! We didn't get a cheesy christmas episode so we need some other excuse for happiness. How about summer in the city? Earlier seasons show that Stel was more than happy to take advantage of the hot weather in strappy little vests etc so how bout we get some half clothed DL?
Mmmmm.....Lindsay in a tanktop and miniskirt? Point me where to go! :devil: But Summer in the City sounds fun, especially when it's a particularly HOT one and the air conditioning isn't working. Oh the mental pictures *fans self* Oh, too late *thud*
Naturally they will be needing some kind of refreshment - cue ice cream & hand holding in Central Park!
When you said "refreshment", I went to the gutter. By "ice cream" I was back.
eveninstarz14 said:
I think at this point, their relationship can only go up and it shall be interesting how Danny is going to make this all up to Lindsay.
Well it's definitely
not going to be boring - for us anyway

I hope... unless TPTB are going to be cows and not show anything for 8 episodes and suddenly they're making out in the elevator...okay, so it wouldn't be
that bad obviously...but you get my point somewhere in all that drool right?
Carolina said:
and happy simply isnt working for him right now
And when happy isn't working, that's a big SIGN! (Danny you moron, wake up and smell the fresh air would you?).

Haha, I wonder if the writers are going to make Lindsay sadistic and make Danny feel more crappy by talking rubbish to him, even if she's still in love with him. Selfish? No, realistic? Yes.
one more thing Mr. Messer has to make right for - stealing our Lindsays smile.
Nobody steals Montana's smile. :scream: NOBODY! I wanna see her happy again
NWILL pics! I loved that episode - and suddenly the thought of them getting back together is
right up top.

Their heigh difference is adorable - and Danny's already short! :lol:
They're children are going to be miniscule...

Good looking, smart, and everything their parents are, but short...inevitably.