Liffy, you get the toupees and I take PV-day off the calendar...
Toupees - AND the dresses. LOL. Nobody knows what we're talking about anymore - I feel so naughty. :guffaw:
I took PV off the calendar a LONG time ago - and all the statues are gone. Hehehehe. Serves you right. We're only loyal as long as you keep us happy!
^Like that idea too - and unfortunately someone will get hurt by this
That someone, either way, is going to be Lindsay. She's stuck in the middle of all this when she doesn't even want to be. I feel so sorry for her that Danny's being a jerk right now. If there was nothing between them, can't he just tell her that?
When Lindsay told him that she loved him, it would have taken 3 seconds to tell her "I dont feel that way", and it why did he have to hide the fact that he wanted to spend the dirty day with Rikki if he's not trying to hide what he's doing?
The fact points to the fact that he IS hiding it. If he's suddenly in love with Rikki, why all the secrecy? And no, I don't think the whole "I didn't want to hurt you" applies either.
He so has feelings for lindsay, and I think when she tries to cross that comfort zone, he gets more defensive. He wants to keep everyone happy - but he needs to learn that he can't do that.
Well, you and I are both the kinky types then, because I already watched it several times too, trying to catch new luck, yet
Danny had a small smile when he answered the phone. He wasn't smiling when he was taking stuff out of the fridge. The moment Lindsay asked him to lunch, he got defensive and the lies splurted. Are guys really that confusing?
We do think alike!:guffaw:
That we do

Seeing Danny in a straight jacket would be fun I think. Because he's going to be getting ALOT of attention - he'll be happy.
I don't think he is, and he only managed to give those excuses because he was not speaking to Lindsay in person...otherwise she would've seen right through him...he's much too extravert to be a good liar.
Did you notice that when Lindsay's talking to him, he always looks away? He takes a look every now and again, but he never looks her in the eye - AH HA! GUILT! You're so busted Messer.
and at least that is a fact now -txs PTB

Maybe they're on a roll with telling people stuff now! :guffaw: By the end of the season we'll know the name of Danny's pet goldfish.