Zombies III

Lindsay walked towards them, and Aiden smiled before looking back at Flack, "She's a keeper" and moved away to let Lindsay hold him, and she went to Danny, and wrapped her arms around his neck.


Abby snorted and thought it really is.

Ziva chuckled again, and walked towards him, "Really? Then stop me"


Whack her Tony, Kate thought, before smiling at Gibbs, "You missed me"
Flack hugged Lindsay tightly, his gaze flitting down to her before looking back to Mac. "The copier and I have come to a truce.. Cell phone.. Still has somethin' to make up for," he said with a smirk. "I still owe ya."

Danny hugged Aiden tightly, chuckling. "You shouldn't have done that.. Nearly gave the man a heart attack, like it was all his fault.."
Tony reached out and placed a hand under Ziva's chin, making her head tilt up as he leaned in, a devilish glint in his eye. "Sex on that one case may have been good, but you arn't my type, sweet cheeks," he said, his face just bare inches from hers.

"I did miss you," Gibbs said. He'd been keeping an eye on the other three, soon stifling his laugh at the stunt Tony pulled. "That was better than a whack.." he muttered to Kate.
Lindsay chuckled, and kissed his neck.

Aiden rolled her eyes, and kissed Danny, "Shut up"

Abby chuckled at Tony, "Good boy"

Ziva rolled her eyes, and glared at him, and gave a light laugh, "Really?" and leaned in to whisper, "When she's gone, what are you going to do then?"

Kate looked up at him, and smirked, "How'd you?" and lightly hit his shoulder.
"Whaaaaaat? Can't I have a tender moment with my friend?" Flack asked with a pout.

Danny smirked, kissing her back. "Never."
Tony's eyes seemed to darken when Ziva said that. "Easy.. I'll have you arrested and make sure you never see the light of day again. I already have charges building on you," he hissed.

Gibbs smirked. "I have my ways."
Lindsay pulled away, "Go ahead" She smiled at him.

Aiden hit his shoulder, "Dan" and licked her lips, and leaned her forehead against his.


Ziva smirked, "You do that Tony, and she'll be gone before you even kiss her goodbye" and gasped, "But wait, She's with Gibbs, poor Tony, She doesn't want you" and went back to smirking at him, before walking back over to the wall, and glanced once at Kate.

Abby got back up and looked at Tony, "What she say?"


Kate laughed, and hugged him, "That you do"
Flack stood there for several moments, unmoving. He pondered his options.


Danny grinned as he looked at Aiden. "What?"


Tony stared at Ziva for a second before he started cursing at Ziva loud and clear in fluent Italian. He snapped and went to Ziva, lifting her clear off the ground by her neck and holding her against the wall. "Li odio! Voi ed il vostro intestino. Potrei schioccarlo in due ora!" I hate you! You and your gut. I'll break you in two! Tony shouted, anger clear in his eyes. He was furious.

"Un giorno, li ucciderò e ci saranno nessuno per arrestarli. Non posso aspettare quel giorno!" One day, I will kill you, and there will be no one out there to stop me. I can't wait for that day! Tony's hands soon tightened significantly around Ziva's neck, nearly getting to the point where he could snap it in an instant.

Gibbs smiled a little but his gaze snapped up when he heard Tony speaking loudly in Italian. He looked over and saw that he'd lifted Ziva clear off the floor and was beginning to strangle her. Christ.. This is enough.. "DiNozzo!" Gibbs shouted loudly, giving Kate a look before removing himself from her. He went over to Tony, wrapping his arm around Tony's neck to try and pull him back and to stop.

"Lascilo andare, Gibbs! Lascilo ucciderlo!" Let me go, Gibbs! Let me kill her! Tony said harshly.

Gibbs knew Tony wasn't about to stop. He knew Tony wanted to kill Ziva with his bare hands. Gibbs soon stepped back and did a sharp round house kick to Tony's head. The young, brown-haired man soon crumpled to the ground unconcious.

Gibbs went to Ziva, roughly fixing handcuffs to her wrists and letting her lie where Tony dropped her, soon moving to tend to the open gash on Tony's temple. His movements were methodical and calm, but his expression was blank, hiding every emotion he was feeling. Gibbs hoped they hadn't attracted too much attention from that whole scene.
"Catherine, hang in there." Trevor said as he looked around and found the utility room. The main power had been shut off before everybody fled. Trevor activated the main power, grabbed a stretcher, and got Catherine onto it. "Hang in there, I'm gonna get us to the med lab.
Stella watched the three of them bicker. She then thought about her trip to the hospital because of Frankie. She stood there, looking a bit out of this world because she was so deep into thought. She unknowingly grabbed Mac's hand and leaned against him. She wondered if anyone would tell Aiden, because she sure as hell wasn't going to do it.
Lindsay smiled at him, "What are you up to?"

Aiden smiled at him, and saw Stella lean into Mac, and wondered what was wrong, but didn't voice it, and she leaned into Danny and kissed him lightly.

Ziva tried to move her hands, but couldn't, she coughed lightly, not wanting them to know she was awake. Tony might've won for now, but she was going to make him pay, then she was going to get rid of Kate, wait a minute, She'll get rid of Kate, that'll kill two birds with one stone, She'll pay Tony back, and she'll pay Gibbs back for handcuffing her.

Both Kate and Abby ran over to Tony and Gibbs, Kate glanced at Gibbs, "What happened?"

Abby ran a finger over Tony's gash. "Nice one, Gibbs"
"Trevor... I can't..." Catherine groaned, looking around the room. "Everything's getting dark! I can't see you!" she said, her arms flailing to try and find something to cling onto.
Flack blinked then shook his head. "Nothin'.. Had second thoughts," he said. Flack looked at Stella briefly, figuring what she was thinking about, though not voicing anything.
Danny gently kissed Aiden back, softly wrapping an arm around her lower back. He glanced at Stella and Mac before looking back to Aiden with a smile.
Gibbs sighed, looking up at Kate then to Abby. He didn't know what happened, all he knew was that Tony was trying to strangle Ziva. "Quiet, Abby," he said before bandaging up Tony's temple and lying the man on his back. "I don't know what happened, you tell me."
Lindsay shook her head and gave a light chuckle, "Now can I go back into those strong arms of yours?"
Aiden licked her lips, and looked into his eyes, "What happened?" with a raised eyebrow.
Abby wasn't sure she wanted to tell him anything in front of Kate, so while Kate was busy looking at Tony, she signed to Gibbs -Ziva said something about Kate, Tony freaked-
Flack smirked then nodded. "Never said ya couldn't," he replied.
Danny opened his mouth to say something but soon closed it. He wasn't sure if Stella wanted it to be known or not, and it was best he didn't explain without permission beforehand. "Aiden, I'm not at liberty to say without Stella's approval," he said to her honestly.
Gibbs sighed lightly at what Abby signed. "Think I'll get anything out of her?" he asked, referring to Ziva. "Because Tony's out cold."
Lindsay smiled, and walked into his arms, and wrapped her arms around his back, and sighed. "Home"

Aiden nodded, she respected Stella, and knew if Stella wanted her to know, she'd tell her or she'd tell Danny to tell her. "I understand" She smiled at him, letting him know its okay.

Abby shook her head, "Knowing Ziva? No" and noticed Kate was still there, and looked at Gibbs, "Can we talk?"