Zombies III

Aiden shook her head, "These boys together, are nuts"
Lindsay nodded, "I can tell"


Abby nodded, "I plan on it" and looked towards Ziva, "That bitch isn't going anywhere near Kate"

Kate kissed his neck, and leaned into it, she felt a little dizzy, but overall she wanted to be close to him.

Ziva sighed, and wondered if they'd leave Kate alone, and she'd take her chance.
(Lynn, and bestest zombie friends they shall be :lol: :p)

"I... I don't... feel good..." Catherine mumbled, slowly falling out of the wheelchair grasphing her stomach where she had been stabbed. "I don't... I don't know what's happening..."
{They'd be hilarious zombie friends, especially since they won't be like in the movies... I should PM you on that, shouldn't I? lol}
"I still bet I can take him...as long as you're sure you won't hurt something. Don't get me wrong, I know you're in top form again, but I don't wanna be responsible for landing you back in the hospital."
Flack thought about that for a moment. "Ya know what? I'd like to see ya try it," he said with a smirk. "The one who will probably land me in the hospital again is him." Flack jerked his thumb at Danny.

Danny stared at Flack, his mouth falling open a bit. "I'll show you the inside of a hospital, no problem," he spat back.
Tony nodded at Abby's words. He soon trained his gaze on Ziva, trying to read anything off her. Emotions or body movements.

Gibbs held Kate firmly to him, supporting her for as long as she wanted. "You sure you're okay?" he asked.
Aiden rolled her eyes, but then wondered what he meant by landing back into the hospital, and leaned in and asked Lindsay, who told him what happened, "Don?!" Aiden said towards Flack and Danny.


Ziva sighed, and did a head roll, while glaring at Kate with Gibbs, then saw Tony looking at her, she raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Abby chuckled, and whispered to Tony, "For someone who just tried to get in your pants, she's a little angsty"

Kate nodded, "Yup, I'm fine" She felt loopy for a minute, "Fire bad, Tree pretty" and then it went fully away, "Darn"
Danny paused when Aiden yelled, looking around curiously.

Flack completely froze before his gaze whipped to Aiden. "What?! What'd I do?!" he asked with a raised brow.
"I didn't say anything," Tony said back coldly before resisting the urge to smack Abby. "Quiet.." he hissed.

Gibbs gave Kate a quizzical look. "Say, what?"
Aiden walked up to him, "What happened? Hospital again?" She raised an eyebrow at him, and gave Danny a light look, "Either of you want to explain?"


Abby snorted, "So are you" and sat down on the ground, watching Kate and Gibbs, she smiled.

Ziva rolled her eyes, "Good for you, DiNozzo" and leaned against the wall, and glanced at Abby and rolled her eyes again, Such idiots, she thought.

Kate chuckled, "I'm sorry Gibbs, I was out of it for a minute there, but it went away"
Danny raised a brow. This was going to be interesting.

Flack's mouth dropped open, a slightly strangled noice escaping. "It wasn't my fault! Nor was it anyone else's," Flack began. thinking of a short version. "Dead body in a building, there was a bomb. Clearing the building, Mac and I got caught in the blast, and I got a hole gouged into my stomach the size of Texas. And if it wasn't for Mac, I wouldn't be standin' here today!" He looked at Danny. "Time."

"Twenty five seconds."

"So am I what, Abby?" Tony questioned with a raised brow. "Gee Ziva, a second ago you were all 'Tony I love you', now you're a stuck up.." Tony dropped off, not really needing to finishe his sentence.

"Right.." Gibbs said with a slightly raised brow. "Never heard of that treatment," he then said.
Aiden hugged him, "You idiot" She said to him, She didn't know why she called him that, but she felt like it. "I'm glad your okay" and pulled back smiling at him, then gave Danny a smirk.


"Angsty" Abby muttered.

Ziva laughed, "Oh please, I never said I love you" she winked, "You still want me, Don't you?"

Abby rolled her eyes, "Please tell me you don't want her?"

Kate smiled at Gibbs, "Its nice once and while" she kissed him again.
"Impressive" Mac said about the time. "I just decided I wasn't losing another friend after losing...thinking I'd lost...you, so I went into triage mode, had to sew him up to keep the dirt out unitl help arrived."
"Why thank you," Flack said with a grin to Mac before hugging Aiden back. "I blame that freakin' photocopier." It was soon that Flack shifted his gaze from Aiden back to Mac. "I owe you my life. I owe you everything, Mac," he said.

Danny smirked a little back at Aiden. "Alright, Don, Mac, break up the mushy stuff and save it for the bedroom," he teased.

"Messer, shut up."
"It's complete bull if I do," Tony spat, glaring.

Gibbs smiled a little bit before kissing her back, gently raising a hand to cup her cheek.
"At least if he shoots the copier, we'll know why" Mac joked. "Or his cell phone for that matter. I just did what I had to, looked out for a friend" Mac smiled back.