Zombies III

Aiden glared at him then smirked, "I'm gonna kick your ass girly"

Lindsay pouted at him, and batted her eyes at him.
Kate smiled at him, "I bet you were Tony" and chuckled a bit.

Abby smirked and stuck her tongue out at Tony for no reason.

Ziva sighed, and nodded her head, "Yes Sir" She was going to make Kate pay for this.
Danny smirked. "Nah, you arn't," he said, gently wrapping Aiden up in his arms, gazing down at her.
"..Okay, now I really want to leave," Flack deadpanned.
Tony glared at Abby for a moment before looking at Kate. "Quiet you.."

Gibbs sighed lightly. "For some reason, I don't believe you," he said. "Your word is becoming tainted." Gibbs turned and headed off to the others, it was a second later he motioned Kate over to him.
Aiden looked into his eyes, and ran a hand through his hair, and then ruffled it up and laughed at him.

Lindsay giggled, and kissed his neck, "I wish we could"
Both Kate and Abby laughed, and Abby lightly hit his shoulder, "You know you love us Tony"

"Yeah Tony, You know you love us" Kate winked at him, before walking over to Gibbs, "Hey Gibbs"

Ziva sighed, and leaned against the wall for a minute, She had to think this out better, She couldn't fight with Kate and Gibbs right around the corner.
Danny pouted. "You tease!"
Flack gently tilted Lindsay's head up, leaning down to softly nibble her lower lip. He really wished they were back home.
Tony groaned lightly, scrubbing a hand over his face.

Gibbs wasn't smiling, nor did he look happy. His expression was actually quite neutral. "Who threw the first physical move?"
Aiden licked her lips, then licked his, "I thought you liked it like that baby"

Lindsay smiled and kissed his bottom lip, and winked at him, "You wish we were home too?"
Abby winked at him, and leaned in closer to him, "Just think Tony, We have Kate back, Besides the zombie experience I'm glad we get Kate back"

Ziva groaned, There was no way in hell she was getting rid of Kate with Tony, Gibbs and Abby around her, she had to think of a better plan.

Kate sighed, and crossed her arms, "Me"
Danny smirked a little. "Depends what type of teasing you do," he said, tilting his head to the point where their lips with just barely appart.
Flack nodded lightly. "You read my mind," he said as he gazed down at her.
"I know.. I just can't wait till we get home," Tony said back, glancing at Ziva once.
Gibbs nodded once. "Why," he stated more than asked. It wasn't an option not to answer anyways.
"Yeah, and I don't care to repeat it" Mac replied. "On the chance anything *does* happen, I'll remember that the sweet Stella I love is still in there somewhere and I'll bear with it until she comes back." he said.
Aiden licked her lips, and smirked at him, and chuckled, "Nice try, Messer, I'm not cracking first"

Lindsay's grin widened, and she leaned up to kiss him, "Great minds think alike you know"
Abby nodded, "Its going to be great" and glanced at Ziva, and smiled at Gibbs and Kate, and then looked back at Tony, "Providing Ziva doesn't ruin it for us" she muttered.
Kate stared at him for a minute, then licked her lips, then looked down, "She uh" and then chuckled, and looked towards him and shook her head, "She told me that I shouldn't go back with you, that you didn't need me, that you had her now" and looked back down at the ground, and kicked at a piece of something that was on the floor.
Danny smirked a little, moving a bit closer so when he spoke, his lips were just barely grazing hers. "Ya so sure about that now, arn't cha," he said in a whisper, his hand gently running through her long wavy hair.
Flack smirked. "So I've been told," he said, leaning down the rest of the way to press his lips to hers.
"We'll see what happens," Tony said quietly.
Gibbs tilted his head back some to look at the ceiling before looking back to Kate. "You know for a fact that that's not true, Caitlyn. It never was," he assured her. Gibbs stepped close to her, gently tilting her head back, leaning down. When he leaned down though, he hesitated for a fraction of a second before gently kissing her.
Aiden winked at him, and got closer to him, and ran her hand over his chest, smirking at him. "Oh I think so"

Lindsay kissed him back with full passion, and ran her hand up under his shirt, to go over his chest.
Abby nodded and muttered, "If she keeps Kate from coming with us, or she does anything to Kate, Your killing her" and smiled at him.
Kate watched him get closer to her, and smiled when he kissed her, She kissed him back, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Danny was starting to go crazy in love for her, his hands gently running up her arms to her shoulders and then to the sides of her neck. He gazed at her for a moment, lightly nipping at Aiden's lower lip.
Flack kisses a bit deeper and more passionately, one hand wandering to the back base of her head, fingers tangling into her hair. He didn't care who saw, they were standing off to the back anyways.
Tony had caught a glimpse of Gibbs and Kate kissing, soon gawking at them. "Either me or he will," Tony whispered with a raised brow, nodding at the two.
Gibbs gently cupped a hand to her cheek, his free arm wrapping around her lower back. He deepened the kiss slightly before pulling back and giving her a small, brief kiss. "You're coming back with me.. No matter what happens," he whispered to her.
All the kissing got Mac more in the mood too, and he went back to kissing Stella like before. The thought did cross his mind that Gibbs probably wondered what was wrong with his people, but he didn't care right now. No, wait, Gibbs had been kissing too, so he probably hadn't noticed. Better for everyone.
Aiden moaned a little, and smiled at him, and whispered, "I win?" It was more of a statement, that she just needed him to confirm.

Lindsay kissed him back, and ran her hands over his chest, and over his back, and up to his shoulders, deepening the kiss, and ran her tongue over his.

Abby smiled and gave a light squee, and then to Tony smiling, "Oh yeah, I think he will" she winked at him, "I knew he loved her, but I thought you did too, so oh well, I got one right!" and jumped up and down, and hugged Tony.
Kate nodded, and smiled at him, then brought his head back down to kiss him again.
Ziva glared at them, and walked up to Tony, "Aren't you going to stop them?"
"I thought we were going till who gives in for a kiss," Danny smirked a little, gently rubbing his thumb over Aiden's cheek.
Flack had the hardest time suppressing his moans at Lindsay's touch. He wrapped her up close and tight to him, kissing back in the same fashion.
Tony gently hugged Abby back with a smile. I never said I didn't, he thought grimly to himself. When Ziva came over and asked that, he laughed. "God no. I'd be risking my neck, and this is the first time Gibbs has been attracted to anyone other than a red-head," he explained.
Gibbs smiled a little as well, leaning back down to kiss her once more. He had heard the others starting to talk about them, but he paid them little to no attention.
Aiden chuckled, "Just kiss me, Dan"

Lindsay broke away to smirk at him, and took in a few breathes, and went back to kissing him.
Abby winked at Tony, and smiled at Gibbs and Kate, and glared at Ziva, what was she to do? She had to think of a plan to keep Ziva away from Kate.

Ziva rolled her eyes, "Oh come on, whats so special about her?" and looked at him, "Your not attracted to her? are you?" hoping she'd have at least one of them not wanting Kate.
Kate smiled at him, and leaned her forhead against his, and kissed at his bottom lip.