Zombies III

Danny smiled and hugged Aiden even tighter. "It's decided. I'm dragging you back to New York, handcuffs or no handcuffs," he stated.
Flack smiled. "I love you too," he replied.
Tony narrowed his eyes at Ziva for a moment before looking back to Kate and glaring. "I've been just nice enough," he said, hugging Abby back with a smile.

Gibbs also hugged Abby back, smirking a little. "You've stressed him out more than anything. Though, he was a little bit better when I came back from Mexico," he said thoughtfully.
Aiden smirked at him, "Well you know how I like to be handcuffed"

Lindsay raised up and kissed him.
Kate nodded, "Sure you have" and laughed.

Abby smiled at Gibbs, "All of us were glad when you came back" and kissed his cheek, and whispered in his ear, "And I'm happy Kate's back too, We're not going to let her leave us again, I'll lock her up in the basement" and noticed Ziva's looks and continued to whisper in Gibbs' ear, "I think Ziva's up to something, but I can't put my finger on it, I know she doesn't want Kate to come back with us, but why? Doesn't she want us happy?"

Ziva eyed Kate a few times, and then eyed Gibbs and Abby, and smirked, Yeah she'll get rid of Kate.
Danny grinned. "I know how you like to resist arrest too, so I might end up using some force. Then of course, I would follow protocol and do a search," he said quietly.
Flack gently cupped Lindsay's cheek with his hand, leaning down and kissing her back gently.
"I'm serious! I haven't been that mean," Tony replied.

Gibbs had bowed his head a little to listen to Abby and what she had to say. He nodded a bit, spying Ziva out of the corner of his eye with his peripheral vision. Gibbs wasn't all too sure if Ziva could read lips or not, but he pulled back enough from Abby to sign out what he wanted to say. -I don't know, but we'll see what happens in due time.-
Aiden licked her lips, and put her nose against his, "I'd like to see you try, Messer"

Lindsay kept her eyes closed after their kiss for a minute, before slowly opening them, smiling at him.
Kate rubbed Tony's shoulder, "Its alright Tony"

Abby nodded, and gave him a light smile and responded with -I hope she doesn't keep Kate from coming home-

Ziva rolled her eyes, She wished she had learned that now, She continued to think of ways to get rid of Kate, she could accidently kill her when their alone, well accidental wouldn't exactly be the word, she could blame it on a zombie though.
Danny smirked as he looked back at Aiden. "You're tempting me," he said back.

Flack gazed down at Lindsay for a bit before smiling back as well. "Yeah... I'm looking forward to going home."
Tony pouted a bit as he looked at Kate. He watched Gibbs and Abby for a moment, only able to pick up on bits and pieces, but not enough to make anything substantial.

Gibbs sighed a little. -What would you like me to do? Drag her topside, because it's most likely she'll try something down here. Easy to make mistakes or pass blame.-
Aiden crossed her arms, "What makes you think that?"

Lindsay wrapped her arms around him, "I am too" and laid her head on his chest.
Kate glanced at them a minute, but shrugged, and turned back to Tony, "So.. What have you been into?"

Abby nodded, and licked her lips -Lets not leave Kate alone, not at least until we know Ziva won't do anything-

Ziva went over to Kate, "Hey Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Kate raised an eyebrow at her, "Okay"
"Arrest for provoking an officer," Danny smirked.
Flack hugged Lindsay tightly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head gently.
"Nothing much really.. Just the same old cases," Tony replied with a light smile. When Ziva came over, he also raised a brow.

Gibbs nodded at what Abby signed before looking to both Kate and Ziva. "Ziva, I'm sure whatever you have to say to Kate, we can all hear," he said calmly.
"What was that?" Catherine asked, looking around. Slowly she got up from the wheelchair, wincing as she tried to move. "I can move, but... it hurts," she mumbled.
Aiden wrapped her arms around his neck, "But you wouldn't now would ya, Dan?" Asking him in a seductive tone.

Lindsay closed her eyes and sighed, This was heaven, would be more if it weren't for the fact they were about to fight zombies.
Ziva raised an eyebrow at Gibbs, "Oh come on, I just want some dirt on you guys, To hear about you all's old times, and such", and looked at Kate smiling.

Kate sighed, "I guess so"

Abby looked at Gibbs, and then back at Ziva, "Well then I can join and help Kate or even Tony" nodding at Tony.

Ziva shrugged, "Well how can I get dirt that way?"

Abby looked at Gibbs, 'help?'

Kate watched them, and sighed, "Lets go over here" Leading to the corner, Ziva smiled and followed.

Abby glared, "Kate!" and walked towards them, but not before hitting both Gibbs and Tony on their shoulders.
"Depends how *bad* ya get," Danny smirked, gently resting his hands on her hips.
Flack gently rubbed Lindsay's back before massaging her shoulders.
Tony was about to protest but Gibbs cut him off. He reached out and wrapped an arm around Abby's shoulders from behind, pulling her back to him. "Give her a minute, tops," Gibbs whispered quietly, watching Ziva and Kate closely.
Aiden smiled, "Oh baby, I can get bad"

Lindsay moaned, "That feels so good"
Abby turned around to look at Gibbs, "Why are you giving her a minute alone with Kate?" and pouted, "Fine a minute, but if Kate looks upset when she comes back" and put her finger to his chest, "Your kicking her ass" and turned around and crossed her arms, eyeing Ziva and Kate.

Kate walked over the corner, and turned towards Ziva and crossed her arms, "What do you want?"

Ziva acted like she was hurt, "Wow, I just want to have a little girl talk with" She said smirking, and then licked her lips, "Your not coming back with us"

Kate raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?" and started going around in circles around Ziva, and then stopped, "I think thats for Gibbs to decide, not you"

Ziva smirked, and also went around in a circle around Kate, "Don't care what Gibbs says, They have me now, They don't need you"

Kate scoffed, and threw a punch that knocked Ziva off her feet, Ziva looked up at Kate in shock, "You bitch!" and ran after Kate, pushing her against the wall.
"Then I might just have to use my handcuffs. They're very useful in those situations," Danny whispered huskily.
Flack continued to work the knots out of Lindsay's shoulders and neck, smirking. "Relax your shoulders," he said.
Tony straightened out when he heard shouts. "The hell they talking about?"

Gibbs looked off in their direction, also hearing the shouts from around the corner. "Okay, minute's up," he mumbled before walking quickly and around the corner. It was just in time to see Ziva throw Kate against the wall. Gibbs intervened, pulling Ziva away from Kate and holding her at arm's distance, his free arm stretched out towards Kate. Gibbs was looking directly at Ziva, the fingertips on Kate's collarbone telling him where Kate was. "Girl talk?"
Aiden winked at him, and whispered in his ear, "Well then, I think we might have to try that sometime"

Lindsay relaxed her shoulders, and laid her head on his chest, and her arms around him and snuggled against him, and moaned.
Ziva shrugged, "Girl talk, Indeed" and looked at Kate, "I'm not done with you"

Kate laughed, "I am so going to kick your ass" and started towards her.

Ziva smirked, "Bring it on"

Kate kicked at her, Ziva laughed, "Can't reach me, Gibbs won't let you through"

Kate looked at Gibbs, "Move Please?"
Danny chuckled. "Picking up where we left off?" he asked equally as quiet.
Flack tried to stifle his laugh when she moaned, but it was proving to be difficult. "Harder, softer.. change of place?" he asked as he continued.
Gibbs looked over to Kate, forcing her back himself and giving her a cold look. "Don't move," he said sharply before turning to Ziva. He was clearly pissed off. "You!" Gibbs barked at Ziva, advancing on her at his full height, nearly towering over her.

Meanwhile, Tony had poked his head around the corner to watch. He soon looked at Abby. "It's not good.."
Aiden smirked at him, "Sure why not?" and kissed his nose for the hell of it.

Lindsay laughed a little, "You know that sentence can totally be taken another way"
Kate stood still, only because Gibbs told her to, and because she wanted to see Ziva see a really pissed off Gibbs, judging by her reaction, she don't think Ziva ever seen this side of Gibbs, She smirked.

Ziva looked really scared at that moment, and saw Kate smirking, "She's smirking!"

Kate couldn't help but laugh, and put her head in her hand.
Abby poked Tony on the back, "What's Happening? Kate Ok?"