Zombies III

Danny smiled, reaching up to playfully ruffle Aiden's hair.
Flack grinned. "Yeah, I know.. But you know what I ment," he said with a laugh.
"I think so.. But Gibbs is about to tear a strip off of Ziva," Tony said, looking around the corner again.
"Do you think I give a shit if she's smirking or not?!" Gibbs said, reaching out and tilting Ziva's head up, his fingers on either side of her jaw. "You dare pull a stunt like that again, Ziva David, you better be damn well prepared."
Aiden scoffed at him, "Thats my hair you know" and ruffled up his eyes, and folding her arms across her chest.

Lindsay looked up at him and smiled, "Its a nice suggestion though, don't you think?"
Abby laughed, "She deserves it" and looked at Tony, "I really think she's plotting to get rid of Kate"
Kate continued to smirk, She loved this.

Ziva sighed, and scoffed. and then she lightly glared at Kate, "She hit me!"

Kate whistled.
Danny lightly hit Aiden's shoulder. "I realized that."
Flack smirked. "I'd make some others, but they wouldn't sound too good for this setting," he chuckled.
Tony nodded. "So do I."
"Probably over what you said! Did you ever think of that?" Gibbs shot back. He removed his fingers from Ziva's face, if he had nails, he would have left scratches with the force he used. Gibbs turned and looked at Kate. "Caitlyn Todd, I'm not sticking up for you, I'm setting things straight. With current changes, I'm trying to make this team work, and the both of you arn't proving to be easy," he said calmly. "You, and you," Gibbs said, looking at each of them in turn, "Will cease this bullshit, now."
Aiden looked at him, then hit his shoulder, "Nice to know"

Lindsay smirked and kissed him, and whispered into his ear, "I'd love to find those out"
Abby looked at Tony, "You do?" with a raised eyebrow.
Ziva shrugged, She wasn't going to let this go, she'd have her moment with Kate, Gibbs might've broke it off this time, but next time nobody will be there to save her.

Kate huffed, She wasn't about to let it go either, She was going to punch her alright when she got the chance, She licked her lips and nodded at Gibbs.
Danny laughed a bit then shrugged.
Flack smirked as well. "In due time, Linds.." he said.
"Yeah, I do actually. Can't a guy have an opinion?" Tony asked.
Gibbs looked at Kate before motioning for her to go join Abby and Tony for the moment. He soon turned back to Ziva, jaw set. "I'm not very impressed. The hell are you thinking?" he asked Ziva.
"I don't know." Trevor said as he looked around. Chester knew what to do without his owner having to tell him and immediately started growling agressively. Trevor then heard a loud crash and turned around to face a light which came off of the ceiling.
Mac was mostly quiet, watching the decidely funny exchange going on.

"After this is done, we're doing the same thing" he said with a laugh to Stella. "And I know I won't need *my* cuffs. Unless you want to use them *after* we're alone. And I'm not going to be naughty and resist" He gave her a playful grin. "I'll come willingly and readily."
Stella smiled a little and grabbed his tie. There was something about this man that just made her want to throw him in a room and have her way with him right then and there. She pulled him down by his tie and kissed him passionatly. "Good, because my fuzzy pink ones are broken." she told him with a grin.
Mac pointed a finger at her. "You had better stop saying stuff like that before I throw you into one of these rooms and have my way with you right here and right now." she told him as she glared at him. "Because once Rambo Stella gets loose, it takes a long while to get her back in."
"I wouldn't mind it, actually." Mac replied. "Let's just say the weather isn't all that's hot around here..." he grinned at her.
Aiden smirked at him, and kissed his cheek, "Missed ya Dan"

Lindsay sighed, and moaned, "Can we sneak out?"
Abby nodded, "Of course you can Tony, Just didn't think you would be against Ziva"

Kate came back around and saw Tony sneaking, "I know what you did, Tony" and smacked his arm.

Abby laughed, "Are you ok?"

Kate nodded, "Yeah"
Ziva glared at him for a minute, "Why am I the one getting a lecture for what SHE did!"
Catherine shielded her face with her arm, squinting. "It's too bright! Where's it coming from?" she asked, trying to look around to find the source of the light. "It's blinding!"
Stella wagged a finger at him. "You had better watch it Mac, I don't want to hurt you and I know you don't want to face the wrath of Rambo Stella." she told him. "Remember what happened with the horse?" she asked.
Danny smirked a little. "I missed ya too.. But you keep missin'," he said, referring to the kisses with a laugh.
Flack smirked. "I know, so do I.."
Tony pouted a bit. "I was rooting for you, though," he said quietly.
Gibbs sighed, rubbing his eyes a bit. "I know Kate wouldn't spring unless provoked. I'm not stupid," he replied. "Ziva, I'm giving you one last chance before I place you under arrest and take you up to McGee and Ducky, personally."