Zombies III

Stella shook her head at Danny and then turned to Mac before leaning into him and letting him wrap her arms around her. "I just wanna go home." she said with a sigh afterwards. "I want to get this overwith so I can go back home where I know that I'm safe." she admitted to him as she buried her head into his chest.
Mac did wrap his arms around her, hugging her to him as she snuggled against him. "I know, so do I. I can say that as long as we're togther, I'll make sure you're as safe as I possibly can" He kissed her forehead.
"...I have a question for you, Trevor..." Catherine said, watching him look around for the generator. "...Why exactly are you helping me? I mean... sure, you're with the FBI, but... I'm probably not on your priority list. Why not just leave me back there? I'm only going to slow you down..."
"You're not, we need everybody we can get to figure out what's going on." Trevor said as he looked around to try to see where a generator may be.
"I never said that." Trevor said with a sigh. "You have somebody who's waiting for you back at home right?"
Aiden smirked, "Thats what I thought"
Lindsay groaned, and cuddled against him, She wished they were in a bed right now.
Ziva shrugged, and went and stood at the wall, With Kate around, she wasn't going to get Tony or Gibbs' attention, maybe she could bribe her to leave or make her feel guilty. She smiled, she'd make Kate feel guilty when she got left alone with her.

Kate smiled at them, and felt tears form, she brought them closer for a hug, "I love you guys"

Abby smiled, "See, I knew Tony missed you"
"You wouldn't really.. would you?" Danny said with a raised brow.
Flack smirked a little and gently caressed her cheek. "I know the feeling," he said softly.
Both Tony and Gibbs gently hugged Kate back. Well.. Tony was more of a bear hug, Gibbs was gentle. "Shuddap Abby. We all know I missed her, admitted or not," Tony said.

Gibbs pulled back a second later and then went over to Ziva. He was calm, but not impressed. "Special Agent David," Gibbs began in a quiet tone. "Never disobey orders, verbally and/or physically assault, or even think about doing that again, or you will face consiquences. Do I make myself clear?"
Aiden shook her head, "No, not unless you pissed me off enough, but you know when to stop" She smiled at him.

Lindsay smiled, "Promise me when we get home, we're going to stay in the shower for a long time" She winked at him.
Abby laughed, "You so missed her!"

Kate rolled her eyes, "I missed you too, Tony" she gave him a peek on the cheek.

Ziva nodded, "Yes sir" but he didn't say anything about when she's alone with her.
"Well, I'm keeping you with me so your daughter doesn't have to hear that her mother fell in the line of duty." Trevor said as he heard something creek. Immediately, he pulled out a desert eagle and looked around.
Danny nodded with a smile. "True enough."
"Or at least till the water runs cold," Flack said. "And then some," he smirked.
Tony smiled a little. "Yeah, yeah, I'm guilty," he said.

Gibbs thought he had put his point across, giving Ziva one last warning look before heading back to the others.
Aiden smirked at him, and got back onto her feet, and hugged him tight.

Lindsay licked his lips, and kissed him, "I don't think we'll get out even then, we'll heat it back up" She winked at him.
Kate smiled when Gibbs came back, and rolled her eyes at Tony, "You mean I have to put up with this again?" She laughed at Gibbs, while pointing at Tony.

Ziva watched Gibbs walk back to Kate, Abby and Tony. She mostly saw him walk to Kate though. She sighed, there was no way in hell she was letting Kate come into the picture and steal attention from Gibbs and Tony.
Danny hugged Aiden back tightly, gently kissing her cheek. "I'm so glad you're still alive," he whispered.
Flack smirked, kissing her back. "I just might have to hold you to that. It sounds like a very good plan to me," he said.
Gibbs raised a brow at Kate and Tony before nodding. "Yeah, what did you think, Kate? He was going to be all watered down? I'm supprised McGee hasn't committed suicide yet," he smirked lightly.

"Ay! I'm not that bad, am I? I know when to quit," Tony shot back. He looked over at Ziva for a moment, seeing a look on her face that he couldn't quite place, but he didn't get an all too good feeling from it.
Aiden smiled at him, and kissed his cheek, "So am I"

Lindsay winked at him, "I love you"
Kate smirked back, "Ah McGee will be fine, I'm surprised he hasn't either, being stuck with Tony here" smiling at Tony.

Abby smiled, and hugged Kate, then hugged Tony and Gibbs.

Ziva waved at Tony lightly. She was still planning on how to get rid of Kate, she shrugged her shoulders, maybe she'll push her into a pool of zombies, nah, Gibbs would kill her for that one, maybe she'll make Kate feel guilty.