Zombies III

Danny grinned. "Oh, I know."
Flack smirked a little, lightly nipping her lower lip. "It probably wouldn't look too good to sneak away now, huh?"
Gibbs shot looks at Tony and Abby before looking to Ziva. "And?" he said. Something as simple as that wasn't enough to rally Tony up like this. "Tell me all of what you said. Right now. Because if I get a different story from Tony and Abby, you will not enjoy the consiquences."

Tony looked over at Kate for a moment before lightly removing her hand. He motioned that he wouldn't say a thing till Gibbs addressed him.
Aiden rolled her eyes, and went over to the wall, and slid down it.

Lindsay shook her head, "No, but I don't think they'd notice" she winked at him.
Ziva sighed, "I told them, that I knew it crossed their minds, and what made them so sure that she would stay, or will she leave and never let them see her again" She nodded.

Abby glared at her, and if it wasn't for Kate holding her mouth shut, She'd tell her a thing or two.

Kate sighed, and let go of Tony, but didn't let go of Abby's.
"You better believe we will" Mac giggled a little at Stella. By the time they got home, he had a feeling he'd have ideas of locking her in the bedroom for maybe several days before finally coming out. "Love you" he replied.
Danny walked over and knelt down next to her. "Somethin' the matter?" he asked.
Flack chuckled. "If they did, someone would kill us.."
Gibbs looked at Ziva in silence for a few moments. "I agree with DiNozzo, that was out of line to begin with. Dare you disobey orders again, I won't hesitate to suspend you." Gibbs looked at Tony, non-verbally asking if all that she said was true.

Tony nodded lightly, continuing to be silent.

Gibbs soon looked at Abby.
Aiden sighed, and looked up at him, "A part of me, doesn't want to go back down in those lower floors, because I know whats down there, and a part of me does because I promised those kids, Danny, I promised them that we" pointed towards Kate, "Would save them"

Lindsay kissed him, "Then we'll just have to wait till we get home" She pulled away lightly and winked at him.
Ziva nodded, She couldn't believe how fast this had turned around, "Yes, Sir"

Abby nodded at Gibbs, and went silent.

Kate licked her lips and looked at Gibbs.
Danny smiled weakly. "It's one of those things.. Like handling a case with children that have been murdered or anything of the sort. Step by step," he said.
Flack pouted a little, nodding. "I know. I don't wanna though," he said.
Gibbs soon turned his gaze to Kate. It was a second later when he looked around at the four of them. "If you got anything to say, say it now," he said simply.

Tony chose not to say anything once again, shooting a look at Ziva before looking to Kate and Abby. He knew his place when Gibbs was around and not impressed.
Aiden chuckled, "You know that almost sounds like a 12-step program"

Lindsay pouted as well, and went back into his arms, "Same here, sweetie, same here"
Kate sighed, "She might not be entirely wrong"

Abby blinked a few times before turning to Kate, "What?"

Kate licked her lips and bit her bottom lip, "You guys have lifes without me now, I don't want to come back and screw all of that out of balance" Oh yeah, Gibbs and Tony were gonna whack her, She could feel it already coming.
"I'm sure it's written down somewhere," Danny chuckled as well.
Flack hugged Lindsay tightly before pulling back to hold her hand.
Both Gibbs and Tony turned dark looks on Kate. "You've still left an indentation in our lives from last time around. Like hell that'll ever change," Tony stated, smacking Kate's head.

"He speaks the truth. There's days where I still think you're going to walk off that freakin' elevator with a 'hello Gibbs'," Gibbs then said, reaching out and whacking Kate upside the head as well. "Don't you ever think any different."
"I'm sure it is" Aiden nodded. She missed being near Danny, and saw both Gibbs and Tony whack Kate on the back of the head, "I'm glad that didn't happen to me" She chuckled, and pointed her finger at Danny, "Don't even"

Lindsay laced her fingers through his and rubbed his finger, and smiled at him, and blew him a kiss with her other hand.
Kate rubbed the back of her head, after both whacks, that she knew was coming, she should've braced herself better for them, but didn't. Kate held both Gibbs and Tony's hands, mostly so they couldn't whack her again, "But guys"
Danny smirked, raising his hands in front of him. "Don't worry, I won't," he told her.
Flack grinned to Lindsay, leaning over to kiss her temple gently. "Now I think you're destracting me," he said with a laugh.
Tony sighed weakly. "Kate..."

"But what, Caitlyn?" Gibbs asked calmly.
Aiden smirked at him, "You better not"

Lindsay smiled, and batted her eyes, "Is that a bad thing?"
Kate looked at both Tony and Gibbs, and sighed, It wasn't that she didn't want to come back or anything, she's just not sure they actually wanted her back, "I'm not sure if you guys want me back" and felt like hiding, She was glad she still had their hands though.

Ziva smirked, and Abby glared at her, but Ziva didn't stop.
Danny grinned. "Or what?"
Flack smirked. "Depends on the circumstances."
Tony felt like strangling Ziva when he saw her smirk, turning his attention back to Kate. "Why the hell are you saying that? What makes you think that?"

Gibbs sighed weakly, squeezing Kate's hand with his. "Kate, for me, that's bullshit," Gibbs stated. And he didn't swear often.
"Well, that really depends." Trevor said as he pushed the door open. After walking inside a bit he noticed it was pitch black. "It's darker in here than I thought. We'll have to look for the main power generator." Trevor thought aloud as he switched on his bright PLS.
Aiden showed him her fist, "This goes up your you know what"

Lindsay licked her lips, "And?" she smirked at him.
Kate looked at both of them, and lowered her head, and barely whispered, "I'm not sure you want me to come back after what I did to you"

Ziva nodded, "Yeah, point there"

Abby glared at her, "Shut up Ziva!" and looked at Gibbs and Tony, "We want you back Kate"
Danny smiled lightly. "Point taken," he said.
"Where we are," Flack said with a light smirk. "In the bedroom, it's not such a bad thing, but at work or here? Could be a little bit of trouble," he chuckled.
Gibbs looked up at Ziva warningly. "Don't think I won't make a mark on your record as it stands," he said before looking to Kate. "If anything, we want you to come back more than if you were to stay away."

"Yeah. Kate, and I don't care if this makes me sound psychotic, but I find myself talking to your said 'gravestone' everytime I go out there. Come back," Tony asked.