Zombies III

Stella put her hand on her hips and smacked Danny's shoulder pretty hard. "Yes we're done, and no, no bets." she said teasingly.
Danny lightly smacked Stella's shoulder back. "Don't you hit me," he said flatly, though not suppressing his grin.
Flack kept one arm around her as he held her hand with the other, keeping close to her.
"..Fine, I admit, I missed her like living hell," Tony said with a sigh before smirking at what Abby mouthed. He nodded a little. "Might have to go back to eating Chinese for lunches again."
Gibbs tilted his head, frowning. "Of course I did.. Don't say that."
"Yeah!" Aiden hit him again, "I'm the only one that can hit him"

Lindsay sighed and looked up at him, smiling, "I can't wait to get you home" she winked at him.


Abby smirked, She was glad he finally admitting to missing Kate.

Ziva raised an eyebrow, "Explain?"


Kate smiled at him, "Did you really?" She loved messing with him, and she missed him.
"Hey! I'd prefer if ya both stop hittin' me," Danny said with a pout.
Flack chuckled. "What will you do then?"
"Explain the Chinese food?" Tony asked with a raise of his brow.
Gibbs nodded. "Kate, would I ever lie to you?" he asked.
Aiden pouted, "You know you like it" and hit him again.

Lindsay smirked, "Things that won't get either of us out of a bed for a few weeks"


Ziva nodded, and crossed her arms waiting on an explaination.

Abby smirked at Tony. This was going to be good.


Kate smiled at him, and hugged him, "Never"
"I can press assault charges," Danny stated.
Flack smirked as well. "Sounds like a plan to me," he said to her.
"There would be days when Gibbs would keep us overnight at NCIS, and we'd order Chinese. Usually it was Kate and I. Gibbs and Abby, along with Ducky sometimes joined us. McGee... Not so much. Course, that first year Kate was around, McGee wasn't really with us much. Still stationed elsewhere," Tony explained to Ziva with a smile. "The good old days, where we'd actually sit and have a meal."
Gibbs smiled and hugged her back tightly. "Exactly."
Aiden leaned in a little closer to him, "Yeah, but theres Zombies down here that would love to get ahold of you"

Lindsay smiled, and leaned up to kiss his cheek, "Can't wait"


Abby nodded, then wondered if Kate even still like Chinese food, and looked at Tony, "Do you even think she still likes it?"

Ziva smirked, "Wow, already questioning her, Abby?"

Abby glared at her.

Ziva raised an eyebrow and walked closer to them, "What makes you think she's even going back?"


Kate chuckled, and laid her head on his shoulder, "I really missed you, Gibbs"
Danny tensed up a bit. "Don't you even dare.."
Flack smiled and nodded. "I guess you can't give me a teaser, can you?" he joked.
Tony shrugged at Abby's question, but something snapped in the back of his mind when Ziva said that. He straightened out and turned fully towards Ziva, glaring. "Agent David, you are out of line," he said firmly but clearly.
Gibbs smiled to Kate. "I know.. I missed you too," he said to her before sighing when he heard Tony. "What the hell are they doing now?" he asked to no one in particular, glancing back over his shoulder.
Aiden snapped her fingers, and smiled at him playfully, "Damn"

Lindsay licked her lips, and then opened his jacket, and slipped inside, and ran her hand up under his shirt, feeling over his chest, and kissed his neck.
Abby was ready to hold Tony back, She put a hand on his chest, and looked at Ziva, "I agree with him"

Ziva laughed, "Oh come on, Tony, I know its crossed your mind, Kate's alive, but does it mean Kate's going to go home? Or will Kate stay here? or Kate go someplace else and never see you guys again?" She wanted to press Tony's buttons, and smiled at him.
Kate pulled back when she mentioned her name and looked at Gibbs, "Can I kill her now?" and pulled away from Gibbs, and started to stand up.
Danny smirked a little. "You tease," he said.
Flack played off that he was hugging Lindsay, shutting his eyes tight when she did that. He had to stifle a moan as well. "God damn, Linds.. If this is just a teaser, I'm really wondering what you'd do," he whispered to her.
Tony was completely tense under Abby's hand. He soon drew up to his full hight as he glared at Ziva. "Special Agent David, I'm ordering you to stand down," he demanded, completely serious and not joking.
Gibbs stood and gently helped Kate up. "If you want four-against-one, then sure. I'm sure Abby and Tony won't mind helping," he said, keeping a close ear on Tony's orders and Ziva's words.
Aiden smiled at him, "I thought you liked it when I teased you" followed by a wink.

Lindsay winked at him, and kissed his neck again, "Thats only the beginning"
Abby wasn't sure if she could hold Tony back if he really went for her, she knew he was getting pissed.

Ziva nodded, "Your just saying that cause you know its true" and crossed her arms, and rolled her eyes.
Kate raised an eyebrow at Gibbs, "You mean your going to help?"
"Oh, depends on the teasing.." Danny smirked.
Flack got shivers up and down his spine. "In that case, I can't wait."
"Ziva David, you are disobeying orders from a senior agent. Step down now," Tony soon demanded, having a sting to his words.
"If it comes to it, yes," Gibbs replied before walking with Kate to the others. "Ziva! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Gibbs shouted.
"In your dreams, Cowboy" She smirked at him.

Lindsay kissed on his neck, "Glad to hear that"
Ziva sighed and looked at Gibbs, "Pointing out facts to Tony here, and he can't take it"

Kate raised an eyebrow, and stood beside Tony, and put a hand on his arm, "What's up?"
Danny laughed. "Damn," he said, snapping his fingers, mocking Aiden.
Flack tilted his head a bit and pressed his lips to hers. "I swear.. If it wasn't for the location, we'd be in a bedroom right now," he mumbled against her lips.
Tony looked at Kate for a moment. "Agent David here claims that you may not even come back with us. It was completely out of line for her to state those facts," Tony said, looking at Gibbs with a serious expression.

Gibbs sighed. "Enough!" he barked. "Ziva, what did you say? Tony, Abby, not a word."
Aiden lightly hit his shoulder, "Funny"

Lindsay kissed him back, and wrapped one arm around his neck, and nodded, "I can't help but agree with you" she smiled at him, and licked his lips.
Ziva looked at him in shock for a minute before explaining, "I told them, what made them so sure that Kate would even come back"

Kate felt Abby and Tony ready to say something and placed a hand over their mouths.