You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ Um, I think Midnight was joking, but if you kiddies want to trade a cool night in Hollywood for kiddie night in the valley, be my guest. There's a Chuck E. Cheese in Burbank, which might actually be a decent idea for the under 21 crowd ... though they close at 11pm.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

wow! I haven't been to Chuck E Cheese in forever!!! Although, I am in LA, I would prefer to do 'LA' things... I can go to Chuck E Cheese here. :)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I know Midnight was joking. I was joking as well. Don't worry I want a cool night in Hollywood.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

CSI_in_training said:
Ah, the italians are the best. The pizza, the pasta, the men. what I wouldn't give to vacation there. *sigh*
Does any of you ladies want to trade places? Because uhm, I'd give up my place and my life here in Italy in a heartbeat... :D

Man, I bet seating 28 people is a bit difficult for any restaurant! It's also going to be interesting to try and have a conversation with everyone... ;)

As for the Warner Studios, the carts you usually take the tour in seat approx. ten people so they'll either be renting a bus or we're going to be divided into smaller groups.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Ugh, after my most recent experience with traveling (let's just say I've spent the last 17 hours trying to get to Southern CA from DC) I might just skip this trip!

Of course I kid! But Chuck E. Cheese? I wouldn't go there even if I were under 18. Give me a night out with the cool kids any day of the week!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Heh, don't worry--sorry ladies, as much as I love Chuck E Cheese, it ain't gonna be on the agenda. Though now that I know it's in Burbank, I might have to go sometime. Maybe I can take my 20-year-old intern--does he count as a kid? :lol:

28 is a huge group. We are probably going to be split up for some meals. But, for the most part, we'll all be together and getting split up a bit here and there will just give us a chance to get to know each other in smaller groups. :cool:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

You cannot separate me from Rhonda. We are joined at teh hip. :p

Ok, general question for reference: what kind of cash should we consider bringing? I want to have enough to do everything and buy a few souveniers, but I'm not rolling in dough (especially after the price of the plane ticket and hotel and whatnot). So, I would be very appreciative if you could gimme a general idea of the kind of money I'll need for meals, etc. :)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ Good question about the cash, Fay. As soon as we get all the reservations set in stone, we will do a detailed listing of each item on the itinerary. I'll even try to find out about valet prices, parking lot rates, any validation, etc. because one thing you'll find out quickly is that LA is quite expensive. There's actually a funny example that always springs to my mind when I think about parking in LA. There's a tasty pizza place on Melrose called Albano's where you can buy pizza for like $2/slice. The kicker is that it costs $6 to park. :lol: You literally spend more to park than you do to eat. Just so nothing comes as a shock, we'll get as detailed on the cost as possible. Of course, there's no way to pinpoint things like restaurants too closely because people have varying tastes and whether or not you drink alcohol will greatly affect the cost of meals. As a water or ice tea drinker, I get off cheap. :D ... But heads up, even if you're like me and you nurse one bottle of water all night at a club, a simple bottle of water can set you back $5-10. :eek:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Valet is unfortunately a way of life around here, as are parking garages. Keep in mind though, if you guys take the advice of your brilliant organizers, MrsG and myself ;) , you'll be sharing cars and therefore splitting any valet/parking costs. $10 to park isn't so bad split among four people.

There are lots of ATMs in the area, so you'll never be without access to cash. We will be getting a cost guestimate for each day up soon. The restaurants we're going to all have reasonable options. Friday and Saturday nights will be the most upscale/fancy, but still have items on the menu that can keep costs down. And like MrsG said, whether you drink alcohol or not will have an effect on that bill.

One thing I can't stress enough: please do have cash. We're going to be a party of 28 people, so having 10 people trying to pay with credit cards for their individual meals would be a real nightmare. Where we can we'll be splitting the bill into segments (maybe 7 people on each bill or something), but either way, having cash is going to make things run much more smoothly.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I'm gonna be the cheap bitch eating whatever costs the least amount of money. :lol: I don't drink alcohol anyway, but I'll probably opt for water at the restaurants to save a bit of dough. [/total cheap ass] So don't feel bad if you don't have the monies, ladies, because I'll be right there with you. :p (Why in the hell did I loan my brother money last year? I'd be a lot richer if I hadn't. Damn me and my inability to say 'hell no!' *sigh*)

So, let's see--before the trip I need to get money and stock up on film and sunscreen...yeah, that's about it. :lol:

(Dear lord, my fat ass is going to roast in LA--I was driving to the store today in our car without air conditioning, and I was like "great, I'm sweating like a pig* here, and it'll be like twenty degrees hotter this summer." *le sigh*)

* yes, I know pigs don't actually sweat. :p
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

On the bright side, LA has more of a dry heat than a humid heat, so that does make a difference! But yes, lots of sunscreen. I use 50 (yes, 50 :lol: ) and am still pale as a ghost. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I use 50 (yes, 50 :lol: ) and am still pale as a ghost.
Yay! Pasty power! :lol: You guys can get an instant tan by standing next to me and the Toppy one. ;)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I get the joy of using travellers checks and cash because I'm Canadian and exchange rates piss me off. *sigh*
I'm still pretty pale too, but I think some serious tanning is in order before the trip. :D
See y'all soon!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^Yeah, exchange rates are really awful. Every time I travel, I use a credit card because those get the best exchange rates for purchases and there are no fees involved in switching currencies. Fortunately, my good friend Ms. Visa is accepted far and wide!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Springmoon said:
Fortunately, my good friend Ms. Visa is accepted far and wide!

*lol* You said it. :lol:

The Euro is pretty strong right now, if it stays this way I could seriously save some $$ in the US... ;)
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