You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I might not be able to go to some of the events with all of you, b/c I have some friends out in LA that have already claimed me to do some stuff with them. I want to do the studio tour though.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!


Love this schedule, ladies, looks like you got everything covered! :D

I'll probably spend the night googling some of those restaurants/clubs so I can tell you if I'm up for everything... man, this is starting to get real!

Btw, I've never bowled in my life so that's gonna be interesting.. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I don't have a lot of time at the moment, but hopefully tomorrow I can post a list of links to all the places on the itinerary.

In case you notice the absence of strip club, I'll post a link for that too, but it wouldn't work out very well because there is a set show time. You don't just get to walk in whenever you want. And they only hold your table until like 7:30pm. We'd have to do dinner at 5:30pm and that would just cut into a day of activities way too much. But I will post a link. The strip club is in the same complex as the bowling alley we're going to (don't worry -- high end bowling alley, not a seedy dump), so if any of you want to bail on Friday night to hit the strip club and then meet up with us after your show, feel free.

Also, FYI, I've gone bowling once in my life -- with my Girl Scout troop. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Sorry I didn't post links--I ran out of time. :eek: Got a sucky new project dropped in my lap at work. :(

I've already gotten an RSVP in my PM box, in a really great form--the person just copied the list and made note of what she would attend and what she wouldn't! If you guys want to do that--either PM MrsG and I or post it in here--that would be really handy! :)

It would be great if we could get a tentative headcount in two weeks or so. I realize some are maybes at this point for very good reason, but please let us know your status one way or another if you can. We'll be making reservations for the studio tour and some of the nicer restaurants well in advance, and we want to make sure we can give them accurate head counts.

The trip is less than four months away!! :D Start getting excited. :D It's probably a good time (in the next few weeks) to start making hotel and flight reservations if you can find good deals as well.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Okay, since I've been looking for those names I thought I'd do everyone a favour and post what I've found. Feel free to correct the links if they're wrong. :)


Les Deux Cafés

Big Wang

25 Degrees

Lucky Strike

Geisha House



I'm personally still in love with Miceli's menu... :D I've had the best Italian food in the US right in LA when we had dinner at Dolce's but this one could easily become my new favourite. ;) Also, call me weird or whatever but I find particularly amusing reading the menu and finding all the typos or misspelled words... :lol:

Also, these places look fabulous. One again, great job, ladies!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I have to confess to being the dork who RSVP'd ;)

Thanks for posting the links, Orison, but I have to say I am deeply disturbed by all of the typos on the Big Wangs website. Fire that webmaster!! :devil:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^Not a dork! Helpful. :D

And speaking of helpful...Orison, thank you so much for finding those links! You rock! :D Those are indeed the places we'll be hitting this summer, so get excited folks, and check them out! I don't think you'll be disappointed. :)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Thanks so much for posting thosel inks for us, Orison. You rock! We've got some great grub and beautiful clubs lined up for all.

I just went to LaLa's with Top for the first time on Saturday night. I was a little skeptical because it's Argentine and that sounded too exotic for me. But since Top is all about KFC, Chinese and pizza, I had faith that it couldn't be too weird and clicked on the menu. It looked great -- loads of variety and really cheap prices. Then we went there ... OMG! F'ing awesome! I love it! This place will now be on my LA "must do" list from here on.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^Top is about as picky as they get. :lol: LaLa's rocks. I think you guys will really like it--it's got a big menu and something for everyone, whether you're a carnivoire or a vegetarian.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I bought this bikini today.


I have a billion bikinis, but I think I'm gonna use this one when we go to the beach. I'm so excited! I hate that the Pacific is so cold, but the surf is awesome. Speaking of, if we could find a place that rents surf boards, that would be cool. I think everyone should learn how.

And it would make us REALLY hungry for lunch :D
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ Cute bikini, Midnight! As for surf board rentals, there are plenty of places near all the beaches in LA. This particular beach is a bit too crowded for surfing (in my opinion), but you can just wander a little ways away. If you're way into surfing, ditch us one morning and head to Malibu.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^^ Surf? Uhm... no, thanks. I'm used to the small Mediterranean sea so the ocean kinda frightens me. I'll wave at you from the beach. ;) The bikini's cute though!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

That is a cute bikini, Midnight! I need to buy a new one, because the one I wore last week in Florida, the bottoms were a bit on the saggy side. :lol: Rather unattractive on the beach~

Not really into surfing, I like to play in the waves, but really like to collect shells and sit on my butt and attempt to get some sun. Which on this last trip I managed to only burn. :mad:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

We're going to be at the beach during the heat of the day? :lol: Oh, I can tell you right now that I'll roast and die in six hours at the beach, so I'll have to find somewhere to go for most of it--and I'm not just bitching, I'm being totally serious. Intense heat and sun are not my friends. :p Not only will I get a bitchin' sunburn (even if I wear hella lotta sunscreen), but I'll turn blood red from the heat very quickly. So methinks Rachel will be checking out gift shops and everything during a goodly chunk of that beach time. :p

Besides, I don't like the beach much anyway. ;) I'll find a few shells, take some pictures for my mom and sister, and then high-tail it into the AC before I get sand in all the wrong places.
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