You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Top! you're a genius. I love the idea of reading on the beach. we definately have to hit the beach. So, the Best Western in Hollywood for the hotel? I'll look into it. Thanks!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I will not let some of you travel thousands of miles just to sit in a bookstore. Come on, guys, it's California.

Midnight, you're a wise, wise person! I don't know about the rest of the Cali people, but sometimes I take for granted the fact that I live here. I'm sorry.

Top and MrsG will be planning the schedule later this month, so I'm assuming you both will fill us in on the game-plan?

If anything ever happened to Henrietta, I would go on a rampage, something akin to the one Flack will go to when Lame Brain and Scrunch Face get back from Montana. :lol:
I will never diss your Henrietta. You're getting used to the surface streets out here, I imagine, since the freeways are always stopped. Henrietta's probably been a big help in that. :lol:

Sticky question: Is the trip going to break down into D/L and anti-D/L groups, because I'd really like to get to know all of you personally. I don't want the show crap to impede the trip fun. :D
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Sticky question: Is the trip going to break down into D/L and anti-D/L groups, because I'd really like to get to know all of you personally. I don't want the show crap to impede the trip fun.
Ummmm...why should it? :confused: Just because I don't like DL and somebody else does, doesn't mean it's gonna be a problem. :p I have friends who don't like the same things I do. We don't fight about them. None of my friends watch CSI:NY. I'm all alone. :(

Are we (those of us who MrsG has approved :p) still getting tattoos? I think I might add a piercing too.

I will not let some of you travel thousands of miles just to sit in a bookstore. Come on, guys, it's California.
Amen to that. I've never been to LA and there's no way I'm gonna sit my ass in a bookstore. I can do that here. Shopping however, I'm all for that. I know there's places in LA that we don't have around here.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I'm all in for piercings and tats... let me know and I'll talk to some places I've been to down here on how many people we can bring in at a time and all that... :)

Honestly, I've spent time with Top and Mrs. G and seriously, we rarely ever talk about CSI:NY, it comes up but its not the MAIN topic of conversation, so I dont think there will be a problem with the D/L lovers and the D/F lovers... :) its all in the name of fun, if there is... then it just adds something to the trip.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I have but one thing to say for now. If JC (CSI_trainee) doesn't have a job by april, I'm gonna need a new roommate. Sorry, Jc, but it's true.
And as for the D/L not D/L problem. I don't really care, and I will not be involved in any arguements that may transpire about who Danny's gonna end up with. I'm just going to have a good time. :D
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

If we were guys, I'd suggest we resolve the D/L vs. anti-D/L thing over a friendly game of touch football or something, but we're not so I suggest we enjoy some shopping, sunning and eating in peace. D/L or not D/L, doesn't really matter. We're all united by the fact that whoever gets some of that sweet Danny loving, be it Lindsay or be it Flack, it's not gonna be any one of us so it doesn't really matter.

After Top and I hang this weekend, we'll post a proposed itinerary for this little shin-dig.

This time tomorrow, I'll be in LA. :D I lie, actually this time tomorrow I'll be driving down the God foresaken land that is California's Central Valley wondering how long it'll be before I'm worshipping at the alter of Neiman's, et al.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I don't give a hoot whether y'all like D/L or D/F or any other pairing. :) However, I will probably be inflicting slash smut on you when there is a lull in the activity, so if you want to avoid it, being in the car with me probably isn't a good idea. :lol:

I kid, I kid! Rhonda and I will probably be chatting about it on the plane, but once I'm in LA there are so many other things that I want to do--I can chat about that stuff after I get home! :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

PrettyEyes said:
Top and MrsG will be planning the schedule later this month, so I'm assuming you both will fill us in on the game-plan?

We will, hopefully after this weekend! As MrsG said, we'll definitely be discussing it and coming up with the plans this weekend.

Sticky question: Is the trip going to break down into D/L and anti-D/L groups, because I'd really like to get to know all of you personally. I don't want the show crap to impede the trip fun. :D

Can we not go here, please? Why bring conflict? Why on earth would the trip break down into D/L and anti-D/L? :confused: If you're refering to my joke it was just that--a joke. Most here know Danny is my favorite character, so I didn't think it would be taken as anything else. As others have said, it doesn't factor into in person get-togethers, so please don't bring it in here. Thanks.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Girls, I can't wait for you all to get your butts to LA. I'm here with Top right this very moment and I'm gonna freakin' strangle her if she doesn't stop whining about her big big big big big breasts and how she can't close her jacket over them because they're so BIG.

We've scouted some great places for July and Top will have a giant post for you either tomorrow or Monday.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Scouting sounds like fun, I'm sure you ladies are having a great time... ;)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Question: When exactly is the deadline to RSVP? *raises hand* This student is having a hard time making arrangements and REALLY wants to go! :D
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Yea I wanna know to. I have a friend coming with me, but we are more than willing to let someone else share a room with use if they need to.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

vegaslights said:
Question: When exactly is the deadline to RSVP?
There isn't technically a deadline, but we will be making reservations for dinners and any activities requiring reservations shortly and need a fairly accurate head count. A few people one way or the other probably isn't a big deal, but there if you ask to be added to any of the reservations after they're made, there is always the risk that the additional numbers can't be accommodated.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

HI all!!! I just got back from Vacation- road tripping to Tennessee, Florida, and South Carolina to see rock bands! The drive was so beautiful- I am both jealous and in awe of those that live in that part of the country. and a bonus, southern boys are awesome. ;)

It was a blast- plus I spent one day doing absolutely nothing on the beach. What fun!!!

anyway, I am game for the trip still, just really busy- and I found out that my research that I am co-investigating with another person will be published in an academic journal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, that again leaves me with no time to play. But I am still around, and will see everyone in July! :D
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

OK folks, here at long last is the official schedule for the trip. Remember, all activities are optional (you can choose what you want to do and what you don't), but please do keep that in mind for things we have to make reservations for. As in, if you're coming on the trip but skipping out on one of the dinners, please let us know. The same goes for clubs, too--we actually have to make reservations at some of them, so do let us know if you want your name on the list.

And without further ado...

Thursday, July 19th

7:30pm--Miceli's in Hollywood (on Las Palmas near Hollywood Blvd.)
10pm--Les Deux right down the street for dessert and drinks (21+)

Friday, July 20th

8am-10am Griffith Park for a hike
12pm--Big Wang's for lunch (Hill is part owner of this sports bar/pub)
2pm--Warner Brothers studio tour (we will need numbers for this soon so that it can be booked well in advance!) The tour will last approximately 2 and a half hours)
7pm--Twenty-Five Degrees for dinner on Hollywood Blvd.
9:30pm--Lucky Strike at Hollywood and Highland for bowling

Saturday, July 21st

10am--Santa Monica Beach
1pm--Santa Monica Pier for lunch
4pm--leave the beach
7pm--Geisha House for dinner
10pm--Boulevard 3, a Hollywood club

Sunday, July 22nd

10am--The Grove for shopping
12:30pm--The Farmer's Market food court at the Grove for lunch
2pm--Beverly Hills for shopping
6pm--LaLas for dinner

THat's the big schedule! :D We recommend you get to LA by mid-afternoon Thursday and plan to fly out on either a red eye on Sunday night or sometime on Monday!

More later, but feel free to Google any of these or ask any questions here...
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