You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I believe it safe to assume that you would come back from the dead to haunt the person who dared commit such an atrocity. ;)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ Damn straight. Someone would be getting a severe haunting. Committing that sort of vandalism against my corpse is just wrong. :lol:

But to those who are in possession for such t-shirts, please don't let my fashion predilictions effect what you wear. An over-size t-shirt can be a decent choice for sleeping or working out.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ :lol: I'm with Elsie on that one. I'd say the only way you will ever see me in a CSI:NY t-shirt is over my dead body, but the reality is that if anyone dares attire my corpse in such a manner, I'm gonna be freaking pissed! :lol:

*ponders clothing oversized CSI:NY t-shirt over Deb's dead body*

and the beauty of this is that I have already worked with dead people, so this would be no problem!

But seriously, Love CSI:NY, love oversized t-shirts to sleep in, but not to wear out unless I am trying to hide my body or for the heck of it.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Haha, I don't have a CSI NY t-shirt, but I do have a las vegas one lol. And no worries, I don't feel like getting haunted by anybody, so I will not be attireing anyone who is dead in a CSI t-shirt. LMFAO
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Hey guys--just wanted to throw out a suggestion here. If you're still looking for a trip buddy--someone to share a rental car and/or a hotel room with, etc.--please post that here so that everyone else who is looking can see! I definitely recommend it since you'll save on costs and also it will help make the trip seem a bit smaller-scale since you'll have someone right from the start to plan with.

I also want to emphasize how important it is to rent a car--LA is not a public transportation friendly city by any means, and really, a car is the only way to get around. As a public transportation lover, believe me, I feel the suck on that one, but it what it is. I can tell you that driving here is nowhere near as scary as it's made out to be. Traffic can suck, but the drivers tend to go slower out here than in other areas because they're so used to always battling traffic that anything over 40 mph feels freakishly fast to them. :lol:

And then there's me. If you're not going 50 mph+, you're not moving. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

OK since you suggested it.....I am really in need of a travel buddy. I wanna go to LA, but would rather have a travel buddy. So if someone wants to be my travel buddy let me know please!!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

OOhhh... excellent idea, Top. I might need a hotel buddy, but I won't know for certain until I have my work schedule sorted out, blah blah blah...

Rental cars are an excellent idea and you can likely priceline one for a pretty low rate for the time you're in LA. But if you're riding with me watch out: I have a lead foot. I agree with that statement: if you're not going 50 mph+, you're not moving, and please do get out of my way.

One other thing: when you rent a car, you should ask about also renting a GPS unit for it. Those things are awesome and you can not only program addresses into them, but also find attractions to keep you entertained.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

hey Springmoon if you decide for sure you need a hotel buddy let me know, I'll buddy up with you if you want.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Springmoon said:
One other thing: when you rent a car, you should ask about also renting a GPS unit for it. Those things are awesome and you can not only program addresses into them, but also find attractions to keep you entertained.

Oh, GPS was a great addition to our rental car in the last two years, and an essential item for anyone who's not familiar with the city. We absolutely loved it so I highly recommend it too. :D
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

If JC (CSI_trainee) cancles on me then I'll need one, but so far I'm set. As for finding everyone on the first day...that could be a problem. Well, I've got to bring my physics grade up almost twenty percent to get to go, so wish me luck!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

if my friend can't take time off work, i will need a hotel buddy too, but she can't confirm it until later in April.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

CSI_in_training said:
As for finding everyone on the first day...that could be a problem.
Right before the trip, I'll ask everyone who's going to post a pic if they're comfortable doing that.

I'd imagine people will be arriving throughout the day on Thursday and dinner might be the first point at which everyone is in LA, settled and ready to meet up. In that case, finding people would be very easy. We'd have a dinner reservation somewhere and you just show up at the time of the reservation and ask for our party. I wouldn't suggest our first gathering to be anything like "meet at the Walk of Stars" or anything vague like that.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

GPSes are awesome!!! :D I have one--her name is Henrietta! :D MrsG hates her, but she is beyond great for getting around town. :D

MrsG and I are going to work out the restaurants next weekend, but we'll plan on meeting just like she said, at Thursday dinner. The reservations will be under one of our names, both of which everyone seems to be familiar with. :lol: Though putting the reservation under the name "Mrs. Giovinazzo" sure is tempting... :lol: ;)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Top41 said:
MrsG hates her, but she is beyond great for getting around town. :D[/b]
MrsG hates her because she's obnoxious and never shuts up. Further, she's not particularly bright, so anyone who rides in Top's car is subjected to Henrietta's constant drone ... "recalculating". I wonder how long it would take Henrietta to recalculate her location when I toss her ass out the window? :confused: :lol:

Though putting the reservation under the name "Mrs. Giovinazzo" sure is tempting... :lol: ;)
Hmmm ... tempting. Do you think as a wife of a little known celeb we could score two-for-one appetizers? :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Top41 said:
MrsG hates her, but she is beyond great for getting around town. :D[/b]
MrsG hates her because she's obnoxious and never shuts up. Further, she's not particularly bright, so anyone who rides in Top's car is subjected to Henrietta's constant drone ... "recalculating". I wonder how long it would take Henrietta to recalculate her location when I toss her ass out the window? :confused: :lol:

I love that recalculating feature. It saved my a$$ in San Diego when there was some construction that made me had to re-route. Don't knock Henrietta! You can always shut her up too :p
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