You're Invited: Summer NY Forum Meeting in LA!!!

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Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Thumpy - Don't worry, I knew you weren't planning on wearing your NY shirt out. ;)

:lol: yeah, you know that I am a clothes whore. I love to shop and dress up. :lol: Which I might add that the bikini makers of the world suck. Here is why. For some reason, they think that women are equally proportionate, both on the top and the bottom. Not so, says the large chested woman (me). Abercrombie & Fitch does not make a large bikini top, the largest being a medium. I happen to make my way in there and they had a sale on cami's. Had to shop. Anyway, went to American Eagle, and they were better, but I soon found that I need an x-tra large top and a small bottom. WTF is that? sorry for the rant. I hate swimsuit shopping with a passion. I may not buy one this year.
As for any beauty treatments or maintenance anyone might need, LA is the capital of all things beautiful. If you live in another country or out in the middle of nowhere in the US, you may be able to get your needs met for less in LA. But you might want to make sure you don't miss out on anything good by saving those chipped toenails until you arrive in LA. Maybe arrive a bit earlier, if you can, to take care of all that stuff. If you beg me, I'll be in LA in two weeks and can pick up a brochure from the closest nail place to the hotel, then give you prices and a phone # to make an appointment. I can also recommend some higher end salons in the area for anyone looking for a high quality mani/pedi or a great wax (Bliss rocks!). I'm something of a spa whore myself.

I am also a spa whore as well. :lol: Even here in the nowhere middle of the US we have spas, actually the one I go to for my mani/pedis is three stories- it is a one stop spa and salon and it rocks. Exactly how much cheaper are the pedicures and manicures? I usually pay for both, around $70 or so. IF they are any cheaper, I may wait until I get to LA for them, but I want my feet to look good for my sandles. (I am a bit superficial, huh?) :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Top, I would gladly go book shopping with you, so long as I can go cloths shopping aswell. I just like shopping in general. As for the starbucks, it's good to know I will not be with out my afternoon latte (usually I have a regular coffee in the morning...thank god for Tim Hortons.) Ah, going to the spa sounds like so much fun...I don't get to go very often. And since it sounds like it's a lot cheaper there life will be good. :D
The arguements around here make me want to be there even more. A week away from these people? sounds like a plan. Thank you MrsG!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

My friend CSI_in_training told me bout this trip and got me totally up for it (kicks self for not having a job rate now) I have however told my mom to kick my ass if i don't have a job by april cause I want to come and meet some peeps who love CSI as much as i do. So it ain't definite yet but I am trying with so much effort to do this cause then me and CSI_in_Training can share cost for hotel and cabs (since niether of us can drive down there by that time) I haven't had the pleasure to meet any of you online but I still think this would be a great opportunity to meet some really nice sounding people (wish I was 21 tho)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Yeah. I was supposed to post that CSI_Trainee (aka JC) was coming with me but I have the attentions span of a gold fish and forgot. If we're still doing this trip in four years then you can take JC and me out drinking with you. Whether or not that's a good idea is up to you. Or we can come to Canada where the drinking age is 18 (or 19 if we're in Vancouver with Jorja). Sorry bout posting so quickly, but I'm a twit.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Welcome, CSI_Trainee! Great to have you on board for the trip. :D I think the buddying up idea is a great helps make the big group a little smaller. I can't wait to meet everyone!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Welcome CSI_Trainee! Like Top says, coming with a buddy is a great idea. That way if you absolutely can't stand the entire bunch of us, you're not stuck in a foreign city all alone. :lol: Seriously though, it does make it less expensive if you have someone to share a room with and less daunting for those who may not know many people from the board.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

For sure, that is actually one of the reasons CSI_in_training told me bout the trip, that way she wouldn't be alone and we can share costs... now all I need is the job lol, that or hit my dad up for his airmiles and cash. And don't worry, I am sure ya'll ain't gonna kill me .... at least i hope not lol. No but really you sound like a really great bunch of folks and I seriously am gonna do everything I can do to get down there. One way or another I am coming.
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I haven't posted here in a while. I'm still on the maybe list, dependant on finances and house purchase. :)

I have been reading through the thread on a regular basis though. No tattoos for me... I was liking the bookshop and manicure ideas. And there is no chance of me wearing a CSI:NY shirt, I didn't even realise such merchandise existed. :lol:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

This is going to be one crazy four days, is all I am going to say.

Tats, manicures, porn, oops maybe that is just me :devil:, and male strippers. Where do I sign up?
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Ah, Spa dates, Shopping and LA Beaches, sounds like the best time of my life. *sigh* A little more money, and a if I pass this physics exam I'm all set! I'll see y'all in 5 months. :D
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

Okay that is it I am so coming no matter which of my rents I have to rob!!!! Spa dates sound nice, and a little tanning on the beach would be so awsome! Missy I am totally comin with ya and I really really want to meet ya'll!!! Hmmm Tatto's would be fun, but I ain't old enough to get one done *snaps fingers* dam!
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

I just thought it would be easier for us to identify each other (espeically for the first day) if we (all) wear a CSI NY T-Shirt, i guess that's a very bad thought :eek:
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

doublefe said:
I just thought it would be easier for us to identify each other (espeically for the first day) if we (all) wear a CSI NY T-Shirt

How about you wear one, sit in the hotel lobby and we'll all come and find you. :lol: ;)
Re: You're Invited: Summer Board Meeting in LA!!!

^ :lol: I'm with Elsie on that one. I'd say the only way you will ever see me in a CSI:NY t-shirt is over my dead body, but the reality is that if anyone dares attire my corpse in such a manner, I'm gonna be freaking pissed! :lol:
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