You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

I have given up on trying to predict the weather in SA because its just impossibble to do. The weather man says,'The Hottest Day Of The Year' and you end up soaked to the bone because you actually listened to him and didn't bring your raincoat with.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! SO funny!! I might not officially be Afrikaans but i am South African!! You post was awesome!!! Thanks for the laugh!
And for the record i am willing to drive alot further for my biltong!!
SA_Kate_937 Awesome list!! I loved the gear lock car bit! My car has been broken into like three times! Twice while inside a 'secure' parking area! Thankfully my gear lock is in great working order and i have managed to hold onto my car, but as for my jacket, mapbook!! and any other item i may have left lying around..... well i just shrugged and went home!! Just another day in South Africa!! :)
Too classic, my mother is Danish and one time when her purse got snatched from her grasp, she shouted,'After Him!' and every one just looked at her like she was mad. but my Dad went anyways but didnt catch the thief...

Heres one more:
You know your South African when: you are shcoked when someone actually shows up....ON TIME! Or even worse...they're EARLY *faints*

hehe, love that one=P
There was a Swiss here?

You Know You've Been too Long in (German speaking) Switzerland

Ah, and a few for Finland.

You know you're a Finn when...

No matter how horrible weather is, it doesnt' stop you going where you want to.

No matter how much there is snow/snowstorm/minus degrees outside - it doesn't stop you going out or whereever you are going.

You know you are a Finn when you start to wear a hat only when it's under -20C

Then something what I really consider as a "only Finns do this". 2005 Athletics World Championships, one day worst thunderstorm in 100 years was on the city. They had to cut electricity from Olympic stadium because it wasn't safe. Athletes ran outside and it was POURING. Despite some went home, people either a) sat there and waited for the events continue or b) decided to grab a beer behind the section D and wait events to continue (beer selling ended when storm took the beertent)
Hahahahah.... the yellow light in the traffic light is supposed to mean "slow down to stop" -- but it seems as if a lot of us see that as "speed up so you won't be bothered to stop" hahahah.
I found these online:

1. Your mother calls you "Mommy" or "Ma" and your father calls you "Dad"
2. You have a Sitto always cooking for you
3. You know what happens when you eat too much Moujadra, Hummous, Tabuli, and
4. You've heard Amro Diab's "Ya nour el ein" 764363 times in ur life.
5. You've considered having "EDBTZ" as a Screen Name or License Plate number
6. You blame the Yahood for eveything!
7. And the Abeed too
8. You hear Yahood and go "Ya herrat deenak"
9. Your refer to other Lebanese as "Cuz"
10. You refer to older Lebanese as "Ammo" or "Auntie"
11. Your nose is considered a Lethal Weapon.
12. You get pissed when an Arab is displayed as a Terrorist in a Movie.
13. You also get pissed when the Yahood are the good guys
14. When people enter Mass during Communion
15. You go to Arabic Resturants, tell the owners your Arab, and think you're
going to get free food.
16. You fight over who's going to pay the bill
17. Your family is over your house all the time
18. There is no such thing as quiet time
19. You know there is another meaning for kiss.
20. You would never call it Pita Bread
21. You use Arabic bread as a utensil
22. You think anybody who is not Lebanese is a Harram
23. The first word you learned was DOW
24. All the grocery stores and gas stations in your city are owned by
25. At least 1 conversation a day is about being Lebanese
26. You feel proud when anyone famous has LEbanese/Arab blood in them (ex.
Danny Thomas, Doug Flutie)
27. Going to church is a fashion show
28. and a free brunch
29. You have piles of coupons all over your table
30. You have at least one gold chain with a cedar, camel, or a cross on it
31. Wearing a leather jacket during the summer is cool
32. you know what the debki, a hafli, and a derrbakki is/are
33. You are always right
34. You have at least 1 picture/object resembling a camel in your house (even
though there are no camels in Lebanon)
35. You've seen a belly dancer at least once in your life
- You get happy when your American friends use Arabic (swears especially) in
normal speach.
Thank you, and I shall always be 'Proudly South African!'
Whether my future friends like it or not. Not that the friends I ahve right now like it that much=P
But they are strange and don't even watch CSI (the horror!) so, I guess how they see things is normal=P
Why wouldn't anyone like it though? *confuzzled*

How could you be friends with someone that doesn't watch CSI?? Which reminds me...

You know you're Lebanese when your friends share your same political views. Anyone that doesn't think your favorite politician is Heaven-sent is not worthy of your friendship.
Haha. That last one is classic.

Um, high crime rate. You can't go into your own garden without the possibility of being attacked. The political side of things REALLY sucks, dam Jacob Zuma..., *ahem* Lots of black people (which isn't a bad thing for me, but it is for some people...) And, I could go on forever.

In SA, most people don't have alot of money so they can't get the right channel and the school I go to is Christian so some of them find is 'not right' to watch CSI. And its a pretty small school...And CSI doesn't get that much publicity here, everyone is spending too much time trying to copy eachother to go their own ways...

Sorry, I talk too much.=P
Yeah I've heard about the crime rate there, someone I know grew up in South Africa. I won't lie though, I personally found it very racist when she used to say that, I didn't think it was that serious - thought it was another way for people to blame Negros for the government's mistake (so I sympathize with them a bit, sue me).
I love the SOuth African accent. I could listen to you people speak all day :). And no you don't talk too much, tell me more :D

Biased Lebanon:
- Democracy exists, meaning all our Muslim brothers and sisters get equal treatment as those Christians do. Except when it comes to holidays. Christian holidays means a minimum of 6 days off and can go up to 2 weeks off for every Christian sect in Lebanon: Muslims get a maximum of 3 days off to celebrate their holidays.
Oh and plumbing.. and television... and water and electricity...don't forget presidency... cause they're all existant only if you're Christian. Muslim majority means nothing at all. Christian = good. Muslim = go to Palestine. :lol: