You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

I mentioned Finnish food earlier... seriously. Just thought today.

Day before yesterday we boiled potatoes (peel on)and mom made brown sauce where was sausageslices.
Yesterday those potatoes that weren't eaten, I peeled and put to frypan with some sausage.
Today we had countrypotatoes (in oven) plus dad grilled/boiled some sausages in oil.

All have been good tho :p
Hey Roka thanks for the compliment!! Awesome!! Gimme a call sometime and i'll read the dictionary for you! or just curse! whatever works for you!! HEHE!

And SA Kate - Rock on! with that strong dislike of skirts and dresses!! I am so with you there!! My sister is getting married next year and i am maid of honour which means....DUM DUM DUUUMMMMM....i have to wear an evening type dress! Long and pretty and PINK! Now i have no issues with pink or the fact that i have to wear the dress seeing as its only like once in my life (aside from matric dance and one other wedding-bridesmaid) but i am just really uncomfortable in dresses etc... It might have something to do with the fact that i have a slightly low self image (it sucks i know) and i don't look like Angelina Jolie at the oscars??!! :) But i can't get out of it so now i have the stress of having to lose a couple of kilos and get onto this pink dress!! maybe i should get a corset? *faints at mere thought*
Anyway i think it freaks my mom out that i am more into boots and skulls than bows and frills, plus i'm 24 and i think she thought i would grow out of it?!! HEEHEE little did she know...

I think a person shouldn't be defined by the type of clothing they wear and should wear whatever makes them comfortable!! (Oh and just a little side bar here - Jorja Fox looks freakin hot in anything!)

And while i'm on generalizations i'll be ironic and say : you know you're south african when you know at least one male who is happy to wear really tiny, tight shorts with rugby socks! Yeah baby, bring on the braais, biltong and beer!! I love it here!!
I curse all the time. I blame my best-guy friend. He curses like it is nobodies business..hehe. He is a to cool cyberpunk and geek:)

Thanks! I don't mind wearing dresses, especially when I have no other choice, like I cant wait to wear one for the two dances I ahve to go through in Highschool ( in grade 8 now) Sick of pink, but I do look STUNNING in black ( atleast I like to think....) Aww, don't feel so bad. I'm sure you look really good in your own way:) I am gangly *blergh* Which means that whenever I don a swimming costume, everyone turns and hides:p People like Angelina Jolie look fake! Us normal people look like ourselves look natural and THAT is a good thing:) I also faint at the thought of a corset *faints* You know how horrible that must have been!! I'm a semi-tomboy, live in pants but I am know to don the occasional girly shirt :) Hehe, I love being mean to my parents:)

Agreed abou the whole wearing what you want. I hate skirts because you always have to amke sure your not flashing *mweh!* (Agreed, sadly...why not me!!!;))

You know your South African when people faint at the thought of a bike ride or even leaving the house without making sure that you have turned the alarm on, let the vicious guard dogs loose and set up a platoon of twelve men outside your house....ok, I'm just joking but wouldn't it be funny if I were actually telling the truth!

I know how surprizing life in different countries can be when you are used to your own madgeorge. But I would have loved to be there to see your cousins reaction!:D
Urgh!! I have a 4:30am call time tomorrow!!! Which means no more CSI re-runs tonight! Bummer!! I am like Sara on her day off when i haven't slept enough! Very cranky and only looking for food (a steak and a shot! breakfast of champions!) Anyways goodnight all!
Filipinos tend to eat RICE with every meal. A meal doesn't seem to be complete without a serving of rice.

If any of you have eaten in a Filipino restaurant, you'll know this is true.
You know you’re an honorary Australian when:

You’ve caught the blowfly buzzing around your head with your bare hands.

You’ve had an argument with a mate over whether Ford or Holden makes the better cars.

You’ve done the “Hot Sand” dance at the beach while running from the ocean back to your towel.

You’re secretly annoyed by Russell Crowe.

You’ve squeezed Vegemite between Vita Wheats to make little Vegemite worms.

Your weekends are spent barracking for your favorite sports team.
You constantly shorten words. For example, breakfast becomes “brekkie”, afternoon becomes “arvo”, barbeque becomes “barbie”.

You are more scared of bindies in summer than you are of redback spiders.
:lol: these are so true! I hate those damn bindies...but I'm used to the spiders, so they don't really worry me anymore...of course, when I see them I still freak out, but they're easy to squish...
You know you're Australian if to you, December/January is usually the wet season
Are you kidding?! it's only October and it's already getting hot :eek: and last year, for Christmas, I swear I almost melted it got so hot...but then again, Aussie weather is notorious for sometime being hot all winter then raining all summer...*mumbles* stupid Australian weather...

I could only think of one though (which admittedly I got off an ad, but still..)

You know you're Australian when you live in (probably) the only country where it's socially acceptable to eat your own national animal.

(I put the 'probably' there because I'm not sure if other countires eat their national animal. And just for the record, I've never actually eaten Kangaroo, well, at least not to my knowledge, but it's on this commercial for beer...and lots of people actually do eat Kangaroo)

ETA: I got these off a few websites:

You Know You're Australian when:

You sleep with Aeroguard on.

You feel obliged to spread salty black stuff that looks like congealed motor oil on bread and actually grow to like it.
(I should point out that Vegemite is actually really nice, but pretty much no-one outside of Australia actually likes it)

Democracy means the freedom to draw caricatures of John Howard.

All of your internationally famous people don't live here.

You don't drink Fosters, but you let the world think you do.

You've ever used the words - grouse, tops, ripper, choice, sick, rad, exo, ace, wicked, ballistic - to mean good. And then you place 'bloody' in front of it when you really mean it.

The "Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi oi oi!" chant has been a religious experience in the past.

The private lives of footy and cricket players become more important than local and national news stories.

You say 'no worries' quite often, whether you realise it or not.

You realise you have no Bill of Rights.

The first thing guaranteed to get eaten at parties is fairy bread.

You mimick Alf Stewart from the TV show Home and Away's broad, Australian accent, eg. "push off, ya flamin' drongo!" or "ya flamin' mongrels!"

You start using words like "reckon" and call people "mate".

You've seriously considered running down the shop in a pair of Ugg Boots

You kind of know the first verse to the national anthem, but don't know what "girt" means.

You suck your coffee (or hot chocolate) through a Tim Tam.

You don't know what's in a meat pie, and you don't care.
SA_Kate_937 said:
People like Angelina Jolie look fake!

Ouch. Angelina Jolie is, to me, the most real looking and gorgeous celebrity out there. She may not have always been completely sane, per se, but I think she's made more than enough amends for that episode. You want a fake celebrity? Look at Fergie, Paris Hilton, or Mischa Barton. Definitely not Angelina.

You know you're Canadian when ...

You are excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.

You know what a toque is.

You dismiss all beers under 6% as "for children and the elderly."

You don't know or care about the fuss with Cuba, it's just a cheap place to travel with good cigars.

You understand the sentence, "Could you please pass me a serviette, I just spilled my poutine."

You know that when it's 25 degrees outside, it's a warm day.

You are in grade 12, not the 12th grade.

"Eh?" is a very important part of your vocabulary, and is more polite than, "Huh?"

Every murder is reported.

You can understand Jean Chrétien (most of the time, anyway)

You froze your tongue to something metal and survived to tell about it.

You're not offended by the term "HOMO MILK".
carlz31 said:
You know you're Australian when you live in (probably) the only country where it's socially acceptable to eat your own national animal.

(I put the 'probably' there because I'm not sure if other countires eat their national animal. And just for the record, I've never actually eaten Kangaroo, well, at least not to my knowledge, but it's on this commercial for beer...and lots of people actually do eat Kangaroo)

Our national animal is bear, which is eaten but it's rare since you cannot hunt/kill bears without permission and it's rare if you get the permission. And I think even in those cases, you don't get the meat (some restaurants serve it)

My sis ate kangaroo when she was there :p
You know you're English when you even say sorry to the fridge door you whack!
comte said:
Woah..You have tea at shaour?Wow...I'm amazed...
Btw,i am muslim....

No I hate tea for the most part, but that's what Lebanese people do. By the way... Asalamou alaikum :D

I found these on a site some of this is hilarious!!


1. At weddings, it takes the bride and groom 4 hours to kiss all the guests

2. Your Wife/Husband is also your first cousin

3. You put olive oil on EVERYTHING and brag about how healthy it is.

4. 3 or more relatives live in your neighborhood

5. Your mum cooks a meal that lasts three days

6 You have fruit trees in your backyard and when they're in season you live on them.

7. Your Father swears at you with words that effect himself (Yilaan Abouk, Ya Ibnil kalb.)

8. u know ur "Lebanese" when saying "Chinese" refers to all asians, and "asian" is lebanese for "agent".

9. You own or play a "Tableh"

10. Your middle name is your fathers first name.

11. You play cards till the break of dawn.

12. You NEVER run out of "Bizzer" (leb nuts)

13. You can't have a meal without Lebanese bread

14.You feel proud when someone famous or a celebrity has ANY Arabic blood in them. (Shakira, Salma Hayek, Hazem El Masri, Paula Abdul, Tony Shaloub)

15. Your Mom has a creative nickname for you like "Susu" "Hamoudi"or "Aboudeh" or "Janu"

16. You have someone tell you your fortune through your coffee cup

17.You say "Bolice" for "Police"

18.You get really excited and call your whole family to the room when there is a special or a documentary on Arabs on CNN or SBS

19. You have a 1 eye brow... and if you don't, you pluck it.

20. Members of your family start to come over your house at 11:00PM and don't leave until 3:00am

21. It's perfectly OK to put chairs and tables in the street by the curb to socialize.

22. You hose down all the cement in front of your house every night

23. You are awaken at night by a member of your family yelling over the phone to overseas "Kifkoun Bil Libnan!!".

24. The words "shu" "Bro" and "Cuz" is part of your vocabulary.

25. It doesn't even cross your mind NOT to Bar-B-Q at two in the morning....... on your front porch.

26. As a kid you have been beaten with a belt or shoe of some sort

27. You say "close the light" instead of " turn off the light"

28. The word "Wallah" has replaced the the word "Really" in your Vocabulary!

29. You think bankstown square food court is the coolest place to be on thursday night.

30. Anything that happens on the news about an arabic person, he just so happens to be related to u in some way.

pablito :lol: I love that!!
lilbug said:
You know you're asian when you do the peace sign every half an hour. I SO DO THAT!

Especially when posing for pictures! Hahahah....
I don't do that though. Before when I was younger maybe.
Showtime said:
Ouch. Angelina Jolie is, to me, the most real looking and gorgeous celebrity out there. She may not have always been completely sane, per se, but I think she's made more than enough amends for that episode. You want a fake celebrity? Look at Fergie, Paris Hilton, or Mischa Barton. Definitely not Angelina.

Sorry, I didn't mean it like that...what I meant was that most celebrities are fake, I don't really follow their movements (besides allthose concerning with CSI:LV, I know, I'm obsessed:p. It is just that most celebrities are...not really fake but their look isn't all true beaty, its make up and designer clothes and facials that cost the downpayemnt on your car.

That is what I meant. Sorry, if I gave the wrong impression.

You know your South African when:

The person in front of you in traffic this morning was hijacked and you got irritated because you missed the traffic light.

You get mugged by a passing robber, get home and tell your parents, they tell you to get over it and move on with life.