You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

:lol: Oopsies :)

I think ALOT of people now think I don't like them. Which is true for most of them, but you get my point.
MissRoosFox said:
You know you're Dutch if you keep bitching on another driver on the road :lol:

You know you're Dutch when you speak English when you're at least 10 years old

You know you're Dutch when the people abroad ask you if you drink Heineken everyday.

O absolutely :lol:

And you know you're Dutch when you look through your window and it's raining again ...
You know youre Dutch when the bills come in or when the let you waith for 15 minutes at the phone and that where behind on the telly..
^ :lol: that's so true! There was an entire episode of Seinfeld about regifting. We joke about it all the time.

You know you're American when you say soccer even though everybody else says football.
Wow..This is an interesting thread...Funny too!!

Okay...Here goes...
You know you're Singaporean when you queue up for something without knowing what that something is...

That's very Singaporean...

And this...
You know you're Singaporean when you reserve seats for you at a food centre with tissue packets...
Wierd eh...Got to trust the Singaporean to come with something like this..(I don't do this though...I always to -go..Lol)
You know you're Dutch when everybody foreign thinks you've been smoking legaal weed... :lol:

You know you're Dutch when you see US comedians make the same jokes about mixed couples in the audience, whores, weed, short sentencing etc...

You know you're Dutch when you think nobody can joing the traffic(invoegen) on freeways but when you get to another country you realize we're pretty good at it!

- A Lebanese person must never ever give a foreigner their privacy. Anyone blond/blue-eyed or dressed way too comfortable cannot be Lebanese... therefore you must attack them. (not physically, just follow them around then run home and brag to your family that you were walking near an American/European.)
Filipinos (especially those raised here in the Philippines):

*our idea of public transportation is the jeepney or jitney (look for it in Google)
*noontime variety show viewing is a family event
*the yellow light in a traffic light means "go faster" instead of 'slow down'
*when in a restaurant, and you want to ask for the bill to pay, you make a gesture with your left and right index fingers and thumbs and make a rectangle shape (get it?) Filipinos (restaurant personnel) know what that means.
You know you're Dutch when they call you 'cheesehead'. (I remember that being in my profile here :lol:)

You know you're Dutch when the trains are never on time.
MissRoosFox said:
You know you're Dutch when they call you 'cheesehead'. (I remember that being in my profile here :lol:)

You know you're Dutch when the trains are never on time.

Hehe You know you're Dutch when being in another country and you leave late towards a train station haha

chaostheory08 said:

*the yellow light in a traffic light means "go faster" instead of 'slow down'


comte said:
Singaporeans are guilty of that as well!

Here too. Then again, traffic lights are mere city decorations here. :lol: