you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

this the first time that i post here. i've read it before.
i knw that im addicted if i cant wait for the next eppie and start eating snickers and read a lot of fanfic that involves nick and sara. and you just can stop talking about after you watch it..
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you´re addicted when:
1)You start taking lots of pics of a heater at school cos it has the letters CSI on it.
2)You can relate every situation or conversation you´re having with a csi ep.(i usually start my sentences with"it´s like that time in csi..."
3)Everytime you start to talk you´re friends go"not csi again"
4)Everytime you see a bug you think of grissom
5)Everytime you see a butterfly you think of gsr
6)When your teacher asks you to write a poem you write one on csi and end up discussing ci with 2 teachers.
7)You´re german books are all full of writing(mostly saying CSi or GSr or a name of one of my favourite eps or quotes!)
8 You quote grissom all the time(can you tell that I love Grissom?)
Yep..that´s all I can remeber right now!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you get the local t shirt printing firm to make you a csi top and you wear it when it's on.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when you scream excitedly at some ramdom kid in the hall because he has a CSI sweatshirt on.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

you know you're addicted to CSI when you carry your own cutlery to all the restaurants you visit because you cannot bear to leave your DNA behind for others to swab.

you know you're addicted to CSI when you wipe your keyboard clean every time you use the pc because you cannot bear to leave your fingerprints behind.

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 and your coworkers try to plan the perfect trace, no DNA, no evidence of any sort....
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when you cry about character storylines and really care about the fate of the character "Nick don't die please" through sobs
when you refuse to stay in a hotel and if absolutely ness. pack a sleeping bag and sleep in that
when in english your teacher talks about a family that had bugs in the wallpaper and the young boy was fascinated by them you think GRISSOM and then start smiling
your friends stop talking to you as any topic leads back to CSI
you practise flasing ur badge in the mirror
when the woman up your street dies you ask the officer outside all about csi techniques and ask him if he watches CSI and when he says he does you squeal and start going on about ur fave episode while he edges away and calls for back up
every bin bag you see in the street u wonder if theres a body inside
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when you make reservations at a hotel and tell the person working there that you absolutely refuse to stay in any room on any floor that is closest to the exit door
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When your English teacher assigns a story you have to write based on CSI stuff and you use CSI character names, have somewhere north of twenty pages(when the limit is 4-20 pages) and you get a hundred percent because the story actually follows real forensic techniques.

(( :lol: :D I'm just waiting for myself to do that.. Luckily, I'm doing good so far as to not do that. But that story was really assigned.

*hears teacher assign it...lean over to the person next to me... start rambling on about CSI for the next hour.*))
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when your sleepy brain suddenly goes into overdrive when you put your labcoat on and head to the labs for your lessons...the overdrive intensifies when you know that the equipment that you see in the csi labs, are available in your school labs =p
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when you can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, while watching one of the pathologists in either CSI, NY or MIA open up a dead body. Yeah I know I am a freak. :D :D :D
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

I can do that! I ate spagetti while watching Jackpot! When your science teacher assigns you to write a one page essay on a science related career and you write a three page break down of all things CSI!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

If whenever anyone mentions Las Vegas, New York or Miami, your mind jumps straight to CSI and one of the last eppies you watched. Honestly. Also, when studying Macbeth, I had hissy fits whenever Grissom quoted shakespeare - what was with that? It really bugged me (no pun intended).
I used to be really squeamish, but then i toughened up and now am impervious to gore - my mum is now way too squeamish for an adult in m,y eyes. Also, I hate it when girls get all freaked out in dissections - it makes one despise ones own sex to no end... Come on, get a grip! I mean, come on, most of them deal with blood on a monthly basis anyhow.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When your brothe comes in talking about his mate with the same name as one of the charecters from Vegas, Miami and NY and you instanly think of them!
i did that when my bro came in complaining that a mate of his had thrown mud balls at him and he was called Greg so I got really confused and mum turned round and said "NOT Greg Sanders, Greg Mitchell down the street!" Man did I feel embarresed!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

-When you're supposed to be working, but surfing the net for CSI-sites and everytime your supervisor walks by, you pretend to be working. :p :p

-When you have to go to the gym, but decide to check csi-files first and probably be too late for your appointment with your personal trainer (which I'll be if I don't leave now) :mad: :mad: :mad: