you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You talk over other tv shows, but yell at your folks if they dare BREATHE loud when a new eppie is on - and sometimes even the repeats.
No chance of my room ever being neat as a pin ;)
you skip work or school to post on the forum or vote in the top shows list.

(no i havnt done this but those that have are truly addicted) lol
I begins every full night to sit before the PC and search new pics of my two favourites George Eads & Carmine Giovinazzo. And the pictures roof after into categories sort... :D :lol:
When you know all the acters bdays and have them written on your calender and know when the DVDs are coming out!!!
(I know when the chrecters bdays are but they aren't on my calender-but the DVD release sure is!!!)
hehe, i've done that...but i would've bought it anyway :p

when after seeing Lost Son *sniff*, everytime in physics the teacher says 'speed' you look up hopefully and say 'what did you say?!', or you burst out crying...

*looks around nervously* Me? never... :p
you go into new look and go to the sunglasses stand and spend an hour trying them on and doing the "Horatio pose" with them on while your friends leave you to it and then a sales assistant asked me to buy them or leave.
You see strange looking skid marks on the road (seriously, they were weird looking, only about 1 inch wide, intermittent for about 1/2 mile..) and wonder if there was a crime involved. :D
oh, not me, I would never do that :rolleyes:
when you are going around your house and get off fingerprints from everywere...i stole gloves from chemistry class, and in my pocket allways is a flashlight!
well.. that i call sick human... :D
When your sitting in math class and your teacher says "So, Katie what's the ratio?" and you look and say "What does Horatio have to do with anything?"


your dad comes in your room at 1:00 to see what your doing and he see's that your watching your Miami DVD's. And then He comes in at 7:00 and see's that your still watching it.


You and your sister are in the mall trying on sunglasses and you put your hands on your hips and say something retarted.


you start saying quotes from the shows just to get through the day

(i swear I can't go one day without saying something either speed or greg related)


All your friends in your sciences classes tell you to do everything because you watch the csi shows so you must know


when your sister comes to you and asks you who killed this person on a re run of spike because they can't remember and for weird reason can't wait til the end of the show.


when you and your friend sit there and talk about Greggo for an hour and 15 minutes just to get out of the boredom that was chemistry class.

me? Obsessed? NEVER!
Thanks, I forgot another one for Math class

WHen your Math teacher is talking about the speed of rate or whatever he was talking about...but then you remember you can't remember what he was talking about because he mentioned speed, which made you think of Lost Son which made you mad at Donahue for writing Rory Cochrane out that way, which made you not pay attention to your teacher for the rest of the class and then you couldn't do your homework because you didn't understand it.
You go to one of your classmates in the chemistry lab, hand him something and go "Send this to DNA."