you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Oh dear pusher I feel into a few too many of those categories!

YKYATC when your housemate is stopping for a night in Miami and you get insanely jealous!
And everytime anyone mentions florida you wonder if they mean Miami.

I suppose that should be YKYATC: Miami :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

YkYaTcSiW: your science project theme is csi/grissom.
YkYaTcSiW: You have a journel full of Csi Dreams.
YkYaTcSiW: You take notes about the new eppies just in case when your friend says something that never happened in the eppie you can tell her and say I took notes.
YkYaTcSiW: You have a pic of Grissom saying he's hiring you to be a new CSI. :D Gulity.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

ykyatcsiw fly to New York(for vacation but actually a Sight Seeing Tour) and buy a CSI NY t-shirt, a CSI number plate, the fifth season of CSI on DVD and two TV Guide magazines, because they have articles about CSI in it. And you try to film a episode of CSI NY with your Digicam. :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

you know you're addicted to CSI when.... a co-worker says that that if there is a murder at the office they only need to dust the coffeemachine for fingerprints cuz everyone is using it, and you start to think if those CSI's are just as hot as Greg and Nick
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

ykyatcsiw fly to New York(for vacation but actually a Sight Seeing Tour) and buy a CSI NY t-shirt, a CSI number plate, the fifth season of CSI on DVD and two TV Guide magazines, because they have articles about CSI in it. And you try to film a episode of CSI NY with your Digicam. :lol:

that would be really nice..but i was wondering if you even could buy them..if you could,where can they be found?

YKYATC when you cannot help but smile whenever the teacher or whoever calls out the boy who has the same name as a CSI character.

btw,i would pity the boy if he did see you smile every time and get the wrong idea :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Your lecture hand out has the acroynym CSI on followed by a five and you reckon there can't be a level 5 CSI, at which point next door neighbour turns and says I'm sure there's not a level five CSI, and proceed to have a conversation about what the current CSI levels are and which characters are at which level! :rolleyes:

You switch back into the lecture and never find out what CSI stood for on the sheet anyway!!! :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Well , I discovered CSI in a dvd store (it's not on TV where I live :eek:) and I've seen 4 seasons in the last two months! ;) I need to see CSI5!! I can no longer live without GG! He's awesome :)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you have:
Written a fanfic about it
Got at least one DVD boxset
Got a book of CSI
Watch EVERY episode
Refuse to go out on CSI nights
Spend half your life on sites like this
Spend the other half of your life watching reruns or DVDs
Have a mini-maglite/crime scene tape/ fingerprint kit

Hang on, this is my life story!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2


You set mini-traps in your house using candy bars and try to catch your dad attempting to pinch one in the middle of the night. He opens the jar of candy bars and suddenly the ceiling light goes on - you are stood there, arms crossed, raised eyebrow - a la Grissom - with your kid brother's Action Man walkie talkie in hand. You call Brass for "backup" to arrest the criminal.

:p hehehe.

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Your Obsessed With CSI: MIAMI when...

1.) You blow off your friends on mondays
2.) When you are learning the ratio's unit in math all you hear is Horatio.
3.) You've ordered CSI Miami stuff off the website!
4.) It's all you can think about.
5.) It always seems to pop up into your conversations with people.
6.) You spend an insane amount of time on Talk CSI.
7.) All of the backgrounds for your convos on MSN are Miami related.
8.) Look for fingerprints on surfaces.
9.) Think that every red stain you see is blood.
10.) Make a statement when putting on your sunglasses.
11.) When you strike H's patented pose - hands on hips - and cock your head to the side.
12.) When You See A Dead Body Laying in The alley Being Attended to The Corner You Wonder "What Was the C.O.D.?" added: Then you Wonder If Alexx Woods Is Attending To the body.
13.) You go to the shooting range to think about things.
14.) Perfectly good statments start to sound like meaningful questions.
15.)You Memorize Every Line From all The Episodes of Season 1.
16.) When You LSS (Last Song Syndrome) CSI:Miami's opening song and You hum it...
17.)You plan on living in Miami.
18.) Your choice of car? The one like Horatio has.
19.) You read HAMLET, cause it was mentioned that HORATIO came from the
name of Hamlet's best bud, Horatio.
20.) You know the biographies of ALL the personnel from the CSI website.
21.) If all you can think about when you hear "Speed" is Tim Speedle :)
I fall into too many of these catagories!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Hmm.. I thought I posted here before, but guess not..

A lot of these sound like me.. My forensics class was only a half yr course so now I'm having withdrawal from it, lol.. whenever I see or hear about a bug the first word that comes to mind [or name I guess] is Grissom. I lift fingerprints when I find them. I watch CSI reruns every day and seeing an episode 5 times doesn't even get old. I have a list of Sandle quotes. I am always using CSI related terms.. and my parents tell me that I'm obsessed with CSI and whenever I talk about it, which is all the time, they tell me to shut up. :lol: I've also gotten my younger sister addicted, so now they have to put up with double the obsession. :p And I'm asking for the CSI board game for my bday. I'm also into reading forensic novels, and there is a criminal justice/forensics academy near where I live asking high school students to take a class there and I'm applying!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

My signature says it all! and my desktop which is "Greg ... My Anti-Drug and Ryan ... My Anti Drug!"
You base your life on what time CSI is on
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Yeah, about the basing your life around CSI's time.. my sis and I taped an eppy one time because it was on at a later time than usual and we had to get to bed at a decent time for school, and the next day my mom goes, "guess what happened to the tape?" and I almost had a heart attack cuz I thought she was gonna say it either didn't film or got wrecked, but turns out she accidentally taped some extra stuff after, so it was no biggie.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you're addicted to CSI when...
you refer to a piece of string as a fiber
you notice finger prints with a strange white powder on your microwave
and you relate every situation to CSI somehow

These are just some things that I have actually experienced. I got a few strange looks from my family when I told my sister she a had a fiber stuck in her glasses :lol: