you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

-When you try to relate Lord of the Flies to CSI in any ways that you can...
-When you keep pronouncing Horatio wrong in Latin Class..(I keep saying Hor-ay-shee-o instead of hor-ahht-eeo) :D
-when your doing genetics in science and you ask your teacher about "seven alleles in common" and the have no answer...
When you get bored in a lesson and decide to work out EXACTLY how long it is until the next CSI episode (down to the second if it is a maths lesson).
when you find the perfect Christmas cards that read


anyone else see those at Target? I had to have them !!!!
^^^ You sound like me when I was in NYC. I was taking pictures of EVERY csi sign I saw. Even the moving posters, I got pictures of....and the buses...and the CBS building..haha
The pictures are in my profile btw :D
when you are worried about what a csi would think of the scratches all over your hands and arms from pet rats crawling on you :lol:
i bet theyd think i was tortured... :lol:
You spend all day at school dreaming of Greg instead of doing chemistry....and hoping someday you'll get to be a CSI in Miami working with Eric and Horatio.

Am I obssessed?
allmaple said:
when you are worried about what a csi would think of the scratches all over your hands and arms from pet rats crawling on you :lol:
i bet theyd think i was tortured... :lol:

LOL They'd love my arms too or at least my right one. My cat loves using her teeth and claws on it. Oh yeah and then there's my constantly bruised legs...though they've improved since I quit my job at the fabric store for the library. Hmm I wonder what their little ALS piccy would find on my skin though.
When you ask your friend (who used to live in miami) where his old school was, and he said "It was in Coral Gables." You immediately think of the Mala Noche gang and wonder if he was a drug mule like Ray Jr.0_o
He never gave me a straight answer :lol:
allmaple said:
when you are worried about what a csi would think of the scratches all over your hands and arms from pet rats crawling on you :lol:
i bet theyd think i was tortured... :lol:
Can I just say I feel ya. I have 5 dogs, all big. I'm so badly beaten. Also, I'm a spaz. I run into things all the time and have no memory of it. I worry what cops or CSI's would wonder.

For my new one, when you spend nearly a year looking, and randomly email someone you don't know because they have a song that was on CSI that you want.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

I for one now that when you've watched too much CSI: you watch seasons 1-4 in one go, not even going to sleep once

and when you name your guinea pig marisol :D
I'm contemplating changing the name of my dog, her name is Mia, she's a mini foxy crossed with staffy. I want to call her sofia. :devil:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you named one of your computers Catherine (basically because you can't stand it :lol:, even if you like the character) and your new adorable pink cell-phone Emily, and you fell for a bag just because it was full of Cs and of course you bought it, because C stands for Calleigh. :p
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

I named my pink MP3 emily :D

and I haven't named my computer yet.....but what do you think? Valera, BoaVista or........Catherine! sorry about that, I just love the idea of you calling your comp Catherine 'cause you can't stand it, even if you do like the character :D

I have a pink cell-phone too.....I'll name it BoaVista.....I don't like the character, I like the name :)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Mom and I have made two batches of thumprint butter cookies for Christmas, and now I wonder...can prints be lifted from the thumbprints in the cookies? lol (which actually there's a quote "the only three things you can't lift prints from are air, water, and the things you don't try")