you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

When you are in latin class and your teacher says "Latin is just like being at a crime scene--except with words. We are linguistic CSIs" and you can't help but laugh and the whole class turns toward you and groans. :D
You know when you're addicted to CSI when . . .

Most of your Christmas list was CSI stuff
You look on a certain auction site all the time for more CSI stuff
You talk about it all the time about differne episodes you seen on new clips you've seen and you can see your parents and friends are getting annoyed with you.
Here a song randomly and it reminds you of a CSI episode.
Name a pet after Grissom because you think it looks like him.
Constantly changing your computer background to something to do with CSI.
Go to fancy dress parties as Sara Sidle and have even got a CSI name badge thingy.
Put the actors and characters' birthdays in your diary.
Have whole shelves dedicated to your CSI dvds, and books, games etc only!!!!!
Write to all the actors you can, to try and get their autorgaphs.
Buy pictures of the internet.
Plan to spend your 21st Birthday in Vegas (and LA), mainly because you see Vegas being much cooler than before because of CSI: LV.

I can't think of anymore at the moment, but when I do, I'll be back on here.
you know you're addicted to CSI when... can laugh for hours because someone on the show said something funny. ask your mother if you should look for fingerprints when she says something is missing in her room. name one of your teddybears after a CSI character (he's name is Greggo and he's cute xD).

...your mother can't understand what the hell you're talking about... seriously my mother gets confused everytime i speak of bft and so forth xD cry in almost every csi episode.

...the thought of grissom leaving the show makes you go besert. make a billion csi wallpapers & avatars eventhough you don't like making them.

...your friend have to drag you out from the store so that you don't buy season 1 of csi (if i had bought it, i would have been stranded 8 hours from home... i didn't care though... i wanted it anyway, hence my friend grabbing my arm and pulling me out of there).
your addicted to csi when:
-the only books you will agree to read are csi books
-you make a list of how many time you seen each episode
-you start saying the characters line when thay say it
Nick_Lover77 said:
your addicted to csi when:
-you make a list of how many time you seen each episode

I didn't do this exactly, but once I did work out how many hours (minimum) that I'd watched of CSI, CSI Miami and CSI NY. It came out something ridiculous like nearly 6 days worth or something, was funny to see though.
1. you discuss the team, victims, and perps as though they were real people

2. you discuss them with family, co-workers, and friends, without ever having to say "greg on CSI has to go to court" you just say "greg has to go to court"

3. you overhear others discussing CSI and HAVE to jump in the convo, even if they are strangers

4. missing any new episode could result in withdrawel symptoms
Drumchik said:
You know you're addicted to CSI when you avoid dollhouses.
You know you're really addicted when you design a dollhouse to match a crime scene from an episode you just watched. (And then assign Barbie Willows and Ken Stokes to the case.)
I went shopping the other day with my sister, headed to the book part of the store, looked through the calender rack and screamed out, "How could they do this! No CSI Calender but they manage to have this stupid Grays Anatamy!!!!"
Dynamo1 said:
You know you're really addicted when you design a dollhouse to match a crime scene from an episode you just watched. (And then assign Barbie Willows and Ken Stokes to the case.)

That is pure genius! I love it

when you call the woman who cuts your hair... Lady Heather
(that is her name by the way, and mine too :lol:)

and the two of you spend more time talking about Grissom than 'the real world' :eek: :lol:
NikkyJamez said:
I went shopping the other day with my sister, headed to the book part of the store, looked through the calender rack and screamed out, "How could they do this! No CSI Calender but they manage to have this stupid Grays Anatamy!!!!"

Too true!! Everywhere I go, they have Grey's Anatomy calendars and NEVER any CSI calendars!! I hate that!
YKYATCSIW: you follow a stranger through the entire store of Target, just to see the front of their CSI shirt.. then you grin like an idiot when they pass by you!
you know you're addicted to CSI when..

you miss your sister baby shower to watch a new ep

ever time you see a promo for a new ep. your heart start beating fast

when you open your locker csi stuff falls all over the floor

you damand that you watch a csi ep. in sciene class

your friendz say that csi is coming to yuor house and you faint :D :D :D

your teacher ask you to stay after school and when you do she ask you did you see csi las night :confused:

people ask you to explain greeklover,yobling :D :D :D :lol:

and when you have never miss and ep. since you start watching it
grissoms_gurl said:
YKYATCSIW: you follow a stranger through the entire store of Target, just to see the front of their CSI shirt.. then you grin like an idiot when they pass by you!

:) Speaking of know you watch too much CSI when you stare at a guy in the checkout line, because he loooks just like the guy from The Strip Strangler Episode, Sid Goggle. Good thing he didn't notice. Anybody else seen any other characters, this guy scared the hell outta me!