you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Roka4csi said:
You know you're addicted when you've written several letters to Jorja Fox and constantly make new emails so you can vote for more Sara at the cbs website. :
Hey roka4csi did you ever get any responses from Jorja?

FrogBag said:
-when you spray luminol all over your school, with a camera around your neck, latex gloves on your hands, and headphones in your ears listening to CSI music. And when anyone walks past you yell "Watch the evidence!"

1. when you decide if there is no way to be a veterenarian, you want to be a csi.
2. you are mad that you are going to be in a different country for a week in feburary and won't be able to watch csi
3. you own all the chapter books of csi
4. when your brother thinks you are obsesed
5.when you have a guild on neopets for csi and you write new stories everyweek for your members to solve.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

when after the school panto on a tuesday night your mum is talking to your former teacher and your squealing lets go now and your former teacher says 'oops! she's not missing her CSI night is she' with a stupid grin on his face
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

-When your family buy you a tv for Christmas just so they can watch something other than CSI
- When your sister says Grissom randomly in public just to see how you'll react
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

-When your brother says 'Do those 3 guys over there look like Speed, Nick and Flack?' just to see your reaction and if you'll walk into the lampost thats looming in front of you.
(My bro did that, and I ended up with a big bump in my head!)

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

you know you're addicted to CSI when you see a hot guy and say "he reminds me of..(insert greg, ryan, nick, or one of your favs)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you're addicted to CSI... when you buy the dvd of last season and you listening all the episode of this season on one week-end
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

(New at this so bare with me.And HI!)

You know your addicted to CSI when you get most of the boxsets for christmas and spend all boxing day watching them! :)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

hey guys, havent posted since the end of the summer but ive missed you all so im back haha

but umm when your friends throw you a surprise early bday csi style and order everything you need to process a crimescene online, give you a fake crime and make you process it and etc :) that was fun

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know your Addicted to CSI because everytime you see something misplaced in your Bedroom you seek evidence? ^_^
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

During Thanksgiving, you investigate who killed the turkey and found out the motive.

Whenever you spot a Tahoe or a Denali, you think about CSI: Las Vegas. (CSI: Miami has the Hummer and I am not sure about CSI: NY.)
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

oh man that is so true ^^^^

every thursday your home before showtime to watch your CSI: and on re-run days you either watch it, watch last weeks episode on the internet or watch other re-runs on spike or all the above lol
Your family automatically leaves the living room when an episode of CSI:LV/M/NY comes on.

When you use the phrase " That bag is big enough to hide a body in."

After your younger sister makes dinner, you enter the kitchen and declare it a Crime Scene ( she is a messy little bugger ).

When you watch all the DVD seasons of LV/Miami/NY in one day ( yes I have done it ).

Everytime you see the face of an owl, you are reminded of Grissom.

Every character/pet you create on MMOs ( EQ, EQ2, WoW, GW, etc ) are named after "CSI" characters.

You hear a song on the radio, and remember which "CSI" episode it was on.

You by an album just for the one song you heard on a "CSI" episode.

You write to producers to make more "CSI" soundtracks.

You go and learn progams to turn episode pics into desktop wallpaper. Eventhough you consider the computer your mortal enemy.

Just for fun, you sit down and see if you can 'plan' the perfect murder.