you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

When you choose a CSI marathon over a movie with your friends(my social skills need working on, really.)
Don't worry about it, I chose a repeat of Miami over a movie with my family.
When I was an Assistant Manager at Wal-Mart, my boss, placed CSI on the back of my badge and dubbed me as the Customer Service Investigator!
That is so awesome. All my books have CSI connections...or themes actually. CALM=CSI:NY, Physics=CSI:Miami, Chem=CSI and I brought the latex gloves (I work in a grocery store) home and keep them in my Crime Scene Kit (my fishing tackle box)

-When your internet homepage is
-When you divert from Socials homework to check for posts on talkcsi
-When you start most...I mean all...conversations with 'CSI'
-When you can relate every thing to CSI
when your parents want you to seek professional help for ur obsession.
when you cry when Gary Sinise gets shot in snake eyes i was inconsolable and i think i screamed. i was totally on garys side as well.
When you are on the phone with Comcast for half an hour explaining that they need to fix the High Definintion channels on your TV because CSI is going to be on! (i could've watched it not in high-def i know...:D :rolleyes:)

When you see a person walking down the street with a shirt that says "WWGD?" on it and ask the person if it means What Would Grissom Do?..They rolled their eyes and told me it meant What Would God Do....I should've known cause the person next to them had a shirt that said God Jesus?
What's CALM?

When you're watching the Match Game documentary and they have a clip from a super match that said "Time of ___" and your first thought is "Time of death"
...when you see the box set DVD's of all three CSI's and you are like a happy-crazy-smily girl just to see the covers!! :lol:

..when your family knows you are trully addicted to CSI and everytime they see you near a Tv they are saying ,CSI again!? ;) :lol:
What's CALM?
Career and Life Management. It's a course that all gr. 11 students are supposed to take at our high school. The only good thing about it is when we were talking about Drugs and stuff I randomly started quoting things I'd learned on CSI and Criminal Minds and actually knew what I was talking about. I also used CSI as my 'dream job' for another project. My teacher think's I'm nuts.
^^That's cool! I wish our school had that....

When you realize that you have a month of internet free on your phone and use up all your space to watch CSI episodes on innertube on your phone. during english class. My teacher doesn't even know that half the kids are on the phone. :D.(not saying I use it often :rolleyes:)
You spend your spare period (often supposed used for doing homework) catching up on your favorite forums and topics. (guilty as charged)
Instead of saying 'I agree' you say 'I concer' (more of a BONES reference, but that's me...Crime Show Junkie)
^your teacher simply doesn't watch CSI! :lol:

...when your friends know that a lot of times when you open your mouth to say something is about CSI ..all of the three! :rolleyes:
When you constantly compare real life situations to a CSI episode. :lol:

Example, over here in the UK there is a big investigation going on with a radiation murder and anyone who talks to me about (in general) I go into a huge ol' thing about a CSI Miami episode with radiation. Stuff like that. :eek:

I tend to get a lot of eyerolling from people. :lol:
:lol: I wouldn't roll my eyes at you Tinkerbell, I'd get all excited and join in the conversation!

When people who know next to nothing about you know about your love for the show. Seriously, people at work know that about me, and it's the only thing they know :lol:
*agrees with all above comments*

When your husband's family ask what you like to do and the husband (very quickly) answers 'she likes to watch CSI'. :lol:
When you have a Yobling dream then you write a fanfic of it.
When you have all the books, the board game, and you waste your time with solving a case on 3 Dimensions Of Murder (the 3rd video game).
When you can't see your wallpaper cause of the posters and pics.
When you play the guitar and try to look for a fitting chord to the CSI theme song and sing it while playing the guitar.
When someone ask you which series you watch and you start to talk about CSI and then realise that you've been talking for an hour.
when there is a shooting in your town and you are sat on the bus and see crime scene tape tell your friend and then see a real csi and scream "oh my god" on the bus. my friend moved sharply away saying "i'm not with her".
when you see an car acident and want to be a witness so you can meet real csi's.

i saw one but haven't yet got to meet a csi.

when you write your own movie with csi parts
when you write your own fanfiction
when you have every all seven seasons on dvd
when you have all of the chapter books
when you see the show you want to be a csi when you grow up