CSI Level Two
Don't worry about it, I chose a repeat of Miami over a movie with my family.When you choose a CSI marathon over a movie with your friends(my social skills need working on, really.)
That is so awesome. All my books have CSI connections...or themes actually. CALM=CSI:NY, Physics=CSI:Miami, Chem=CSI and I brought the latex gloves (I work in a grocery store) home and keep them in my Crime Scene Kit (my fishing tackle box)When I was an Assistant Manager at Wal-Mart, my boss, placed CSI on the back of my badge and dubbed me as the Customer Service Investigator!
-When your internet homepage is csifiles.com
-When you divert from Socials homework to check for posts on talkcsi
-When you start most...I mean all...conversations with 'CSI'
-When you can relate every thing to CSI