you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

My closet has two clothes bars and one came down this evening. I wound up inhaling plaster dust from the wall (eww) and thinking that if my nose or mouth were swabbed, or lung tissue samples taken, it'd show up that I was near it lol
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2


- You have an account on TalkCSI :lol: :p
- You spend an entire day thinking up all the relatives in your family whose names are those of characters on CSI.
- When you start considering bringing Nonoxonyl 9 to every hotel you stay at (I've considered that many times. Eew)
- When you stay at a hotel and your room is closest to the back exit near the parking lot, you groan and say, "Why is it in Murder Central?"
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Your trying to post in as many categories as possible without spamming just so you can get your avatar!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

id just like to step in here and ask that we dont jump to conclusions about other peoples posts. also as a reminder to all that we want to try and stay on topic and make posts with content that contribute to the discussion.
if anyone has any questions about this or any other issue please dont hesitate to pm myself or Fay. thanks very much
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you're addicted to CSI when your husband (who will be away all next week on a course) suggests you spend the week having a CSI dvd marathon, partly because he knows that's what you will probably do anyway.... ;)

Bless him, hmmm I'm going to start with season one I think and see how far I can get!! :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

You know you're addicted to CSI when your boss gives you Thursday off, knowing that you would die if you had to miss CSI.

When I was an Assistant Manager at Wal-Mart, my boss, placed CSI on the back of my badge and dubbed me as the Customer Service Investigator!
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

...when yesterday was CSI night in Mexico but we are like 2 months separated and there passing season 6 but yesterday you spill all your milk to your family when they are changing channels on Tv, and you reconise that the episode playing is Build to Kill and you fainted right in front of them.

*makes party at her house*
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

I went to a toy store the other day and bought these sticky bodyparts and hung them in my room as decoratiions!
You know your addicted to CSI when..

-You see a car with a pile of dirt in the back and think there is a body in there. [from experience ;P]
When your mom got you crimescene tap for your birthday and your considering wrapping it around your door. (Guilty ;).. it would make sense too, it's always a mess. :lol:)

When your learning about words like crime, suspect, killer, motive, ect. in french and you begged your teacher to watch an episode of CSI (In french of course). I'm guilty of that one too. :p
When you see someone throw their cigarette butt out the window and think of all the dna you can get from it
When you're at work and thinking more about CSI than what you're doing... and therefore accidently call your co-worker Ryan, even though he's nothing like Wolfe, and his name is actually Dan :( Oops...