you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you clutch your belt when someone irritates you to make them think you have a gun.
When you're wearing a jacket and someone asks you what you do and you flip your jacket open to show your badge, til you realize you dont have one :(
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

First, when I was reading the newspaper today and saw the headline 'BRASS DEALS WITH MANNY', the first thing I thought of was Jim Brass, then I realized that it had nothing to do with CSI, it was about the Red Sox brass (the front office) dealing with Manny Ramirez. Second, when I opened my credit card bill and saw that the bank is located in Henderson, Nevada, the first thing I thought of was, of course, CSI! :p :lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

if i had a creddit card.... when you think up phrases ro put in your friends yearbooks and all you can think of has to do with CSI, when people personality evaluations and the write 'three letters CSI' as your eval. when you are really mad at someone for takiny your stuff and losing it you say "Get out of my hair or I'll have more forensic practice" or "Get out of my hair or I'll burst like Nick did when he was trying to catch the killer dude in Gum Drops" and they walk away looking at you like you're crazy and the next day give your stuff back
You know you're addicted to CSI when...

1.) Everything you own has to be sterilized and you always touch everything with latex gloves; be careful! You don't want to contaminate evidence! (Random person: What evidence?)

2.) You sing the theme song when you're in the car alone or even with friends. Why not!? They should love it too! Whee! It's just like Thursday night!

3.) You go to school using forensic terms and always carry a magnifying glass with you and a pair of latex gloves. You never know when trouble may brew!

4.) You go crazy if someone changes the channel if you are watching an episode of CSI (Come on, I know we all do.)
^ ...or when the CBS news division cuts in with a bulletin with only five minutes of the show to go.
I turn my phone off when CSI is on. I ignore people on my MSN and leave a message on my nickname that anyone who disturbs must have a death wish... or I just wont answer. Half the people end up mad at me, and for some reason I'm laughing it off, cuz Sara just cracked the case :lol: *beautiful beautiful Sidle*
CSI_in_training we can get badges!! Then we can flash it to anyone coming in our way!!!!!!
And the latex glove thing... :lol: quoth_the_raven, i just went searching for a magnifying glass to keep in my bag yesterday! I always have my gloves, and little blue light :D
...when u seriously consider using fabric paint to write "FORENSICS" on the back of ur fav black vest.

...when ur mum is trying to have a deep conversation with u, and she finally snaps and demands "what would Catherine do?", because she knows it is the only way to get ur attention.
...When your FRIEND calls you and say that csi is on and you ran 10 stairs , so you don’t miss a second of csi, and when your inside (and out of breath)you finally realize that she was joking and that it scheduled for the next day... :devil:

..when your family points out that your addicted and you have to defend your self by saying that it's better then doing drugs.... :eek:

...When you have a shirt with ”I’m a csi addict and I don’t need rehab” t-shirt and has your favorite episodes on the back of it (till season 5)... :D
:lol: I need one of those t-shirts.

When you swab what appears to be blood from your bathroom sink and save it in a sterilized container until you get phenolpthalein to see if it is blood or not.

When you're in class paying attention to every word the professor says and someone comes in and he says: "yes, Sara" and you turn back so fast that your eyes spin to the back of your head - all to see this mystery "Sara" - even though you know there is no way Sara would be in Lebanon... :(
you know you're addicted to CSI when the wallpaper decorating your room has every character from CSI and/or screencaps from every episode :)
you know you're addicted to CSI when you edited all those christmas songs,to have an element of CSI in them ;)
My first post, so here goes...

You know you are addicted to CSI when you dance to Marilyn Manson music while doing lab.

You know you are addicted to CSI when you page your friends so they can collect 'evidence' at your place.

You know you are addicted to CSI when your only conversation topic is forensic science.

You know you are addicted to CSI when you write fanfic where you are the main character.