you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Haha, these were so funny! :D And Ive always wanted a Forensics jacket to wear...Iam currently looking for an LVPD Crime Lab baseball cap to wear...:lol:
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you're disappointed that someone in your Science class shaves his bit of a beard off, cause he doesn't look as much like Speed as he used to.

And when you spend the majority of your lesson showing off the CSI puzzle you just bought, instead of studying for the exam you have in 5 days. And go home and proceed to ignore all the homework you have to do it.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When you have an idiot for a human anatomy teacher(which you love the class but hate the teacher) and every answer she answers with "Its genetics" and all you can think of is 'Well Greg would have a better answer than that!'

And when you actually challenge her to questions that you know the answers to because you learned them on CSI!

Oh...yeah!I agree! :D
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

Did you do that?

You know you are addicted to CSI when you hear that the anchor chick on Channel 1 is named Calleigh and you get all excited... even if she does spell it Cali.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

LOL... That's awsome! I would change my name to Duquesne. Doesn't sound good with my first name though... darn.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

When so kid from the Industrial Arts room has latex gloves and you say "I want latex gloves! I only get rubber one where I work!"
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

LOL... That's awsome! I would change my name to Duquesne. Doesn't sound good with my first name though... darn.
I would change mine to sanders...Or Grissom..But that would sorta sound Weird: Emily Grissom......
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

LOL. I would have to be Krystal Duquesne. That just sounds weird lol.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

hey guys, let's try not to derail the thread with real-time chatting, ok? Thanks.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

My bad.

I have another one though.

You know you're addicted to CSI when you watch CSI: Miami all the way from Michigan to Florida. That's like a 20 hour drive LOL.
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

wow smilee, i go from mi to kansas every year but my dad wont let me take em, it like a 13 hour drive and it gets sooooo boring
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

...when you own all the DVDs with their nice digital transfers and widescreen picture and 5.1 soundtracks... but when you come across a rerun on SpikeTV you wind up watching it (instead of getting the DVD out and watching that version of the same episode).
Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2

...when u realize that if u sign ur name C. Sirola, the first three letters are CSI!