You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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When ever you seen an actress or actor in another show and point at the screen and say 'They've been in CSI:NY'
:lol: I saw that commercial where the car went through the woman's front window and they had to call the insurance, etc. Anyway, the guy who 'boarded up the house at two in the morning' came on and I was like "hey, that guy was in 'Rain' during season 1--the robbers had masks that looked like his face!" :lol:

So yeah, I do that whenever I see someone on another show, commercial etc. :p
Oh my owrse one was a CSI:Miami moment. When I went to see 'Right at your door' in the cinema I said a little too loudly "SPEADLE'S ALLLIVVVVEEEEE". Cue weird looks from the other cinema goers. ;)

OR ask someone to do something and then say "NOW!", like Danny in Hush! Obviously without the robospanker behind you! hahaha
when you drag your 13 year old brother and his friends to watch open season because it has gary in it.
you cancel your date with a cute guy because CSI NY is on and when he tells you he hates the show you just walk off and vow never speak to him again.
When you're at McDonald's, but you imagine you're at Mac's house. And waiting for your menu, they told you that the NY burger isn't on the menu yet...
(happened yesterday :p )
You intentionally go out of you way to watch a show (or movie) that the dear CSI: NY actors have done.

And yes, like a true fan, you attempt to enjoy it...even if it is garbage. ;)
Amen to that,SimplyBlue.
Just watched Terror Tract last weekend, only because there's Carmine in it. The movie is terrible, but it's worth for Carmine :p
oh yes Nim lol totally with you on that... heh i so wished i was that woman he was havin the affair wit!!! hehe
You make your friend watch the show and then get her hooked on it too! :lol:
You go rent "Miracle" for the umpteenth time so you can see Eddie in his hockey uniform and watch the behind the scenes interviews (he's so damn cute!)

You're thrilled when you find out your friends love the show too and don't mind you babbling on about what a cutie Eddie is and how much you love Flack's one-liners!
JoJo - i soo did that to! lol
i recently found out that theres about 5 people where i work that LOVE CSINY hehe they're jealous that i have got the first 3 epi's hehe ;)
hidinginmyeyes - I know! I totally love Flack's one-liners. They make me laugh all the time! :lol:
YKYWTMCW you anxiously wait for next summer so you can go to California and hopefully run into Carmine or Hill.

that's me right now. :D :D :D
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