You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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You know you watch too much CSINY when you really miss ME Marty Pino -- whatever happened to him? Jonah ( the actor ) is pretty damn fine...

Or maybe I just have a thing for the recurring cast? Hmmmm....
I liked what he said to Danny in Trapped, along the lines of: "I've always been a pimp, Messer, I just needed the bankroll to pay for my Porsche."

Definitely miss him. :D
Ah, Marty Pino...those amazing eyes...

Anyway, You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY're watching the videoclip of Scissor Sisters "Don't Feel Like Dancing" and you keep thinking that the singer looks like Carmine...but you hope that he's not going to wear THAT dress :p
Was reading the monthly magazine from church and came accross a short article on a church building project in Bozeman, MT...mind wandered onto CSI NY from there needless to say LOL.

Tonight's summary for Criminal Minds-I think it was CM-said the ep was about the Sandhogs...just like An Outside Job lol.
That is flippin freaky. He does look some like Danny. Dang

you're watching the videoclip of Scissor Sisters "Don't Feel Like Dancing" and you keep thinking that the singer looks like Carmine
You are investigating an arson scene and you are going: "Crap I wished I had that thing they had on CSI last night. How would Mac or Gissom analyze this."
You are watching Ten Canoes, an indie Australian movie about an ancient Aboriginal tribe. Someone gets murdered with a spear, and you find yourself wondering about the DNA left on the spear :p
you're in english and learning about tag questions and you remember a previous post on here and think of that and flack
When you read Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and every time they talk about Carmine you think Of Carmine Giovinazzo, not Carmine in the Book
You're doing a lab for chemistry and everytime you have to write/hear the flask your mind immediately thinks it should be flack.
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