You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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I knew that you are a hard worker dear Mori!! :lol: ;)

...when s2 in your country is over and the first night-week you can't watch a new episode you are sooo sad! :( :rolleyes:
...when you watch the show so much, along with the complete season DVDs, that you get your eight-year-old sister hooked on it. Also, she now has a crush on Danny and you have actual arguments with her about who's better: Danny or Flack.

(Believe me: this actually happens in my house!)
after watching "open and shut" and reading the boards, you giggle every time you walk past a potted plant.
your brother looks at a picture and says "whoa, flack has green eyes" and your only response in "duh!"
One of your friends is named peyton (a guy) and you snicker slightly when your first thought when talking about him with a friend was "wait, which peyton?"
The news has a story about a storm in NYC that caused power outages and you wonder if it involved the area the team is in.
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you decide to name your future kid's names after characters on the show.

'Cause that's what I'm gonna do!
You watch Players with Carmine on it, and when you see Ted Raimi, you scream "Garage Joe!!! Where's the Robospanker???"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

When you dream about Danny throwing a fish at you at you while you're shopping with Stella and Lindsay like the best of friends. Then Flack comes running along and takes out a fish bowl, catching the fish. :D :lol: My dreams are a little strange...
^^ really?
CSI808 said:
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you decide to name your future kid's names after characters on the show.

'Cause that's what I'm gonna do!

me too! thought i was the only one
Stella Aiden for a girl and Danny for a boy.
kissmesweet said:
Danny/Daniel has always been a lovely name.

My husband is called Danny and I've always liked the name.

Anyhoo, You know you watch too much CSI when you lie awake in bed going over episodes in your head on a regular basis, and wake up tired the next day because of it......
Today's Parade magazine had an article about the Marines museum...think it's in Virginia or somewhere down there. I thought right away about Mac...would love to visit with him but would spend all my time gazing at him and drooling lol.

Went out to grab some carrots for a dinner recipe and Baba ORiley played on the radio on the way back. Made me happy :)
..when you are happy and suprised because you found an article about CSINY-in your country[about C.Aguilera's appearance]! :D
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