You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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MacsGirlMel said:
Access Hollywood is having a "Find the real Dr.McDreamy" contest and you want to enter Hawkes

That's a great one!

• When you're watching other crime-based shows and you're like, "C'MON! FLACK WOULDA TACKLED HIM ALREADY! SLACKER!"
Good thread :D

I'll post mines, although I'm a little new to NY :p

* When you start writing the quotes in your MSN nicks, so people start asking: what's gooey?, what does that mean? (My first language isn't English)

* When someone asks you a little simple thing about the show you start talking about all the characters, their features, personalities, and how they'll end up the following season. And you talk about your ships too ;)

* When you almost faint when someone says: I don't watch that show (this happens with the 3 CSI shows). So you look at the person like: where do you live??? Are you crazy???

* When you play Baba O'Reily everyday of your life. That includes rewatch 20 times that House episode where he's listening to it :lol: and you turns the volume up when the credits start.

I think that's all, for now ;)
^ i did that when i watched that house episode and its constanly on my ipod.

none of my friends watched csi ny, till i made them watch my tapes now they all watch it- that when you know your addicted

i would love a pair of sids glasses, they'll be easier to wear etc as well answer your cell phone with just your last name.

(Can't believe in 11 pages of posts, nobody mentioned that! Or am I the only nutcase that's thought of doing so? No, I haven't done it yet!)
afrikana said:
^ hahahha, now that i think about it, i want a pair of sid glasses too! :lol: :D

I bet lots of opticians were asked if those type of glasses were available...I do actually really want a pair hahaha *blushes*
I wear contacts mainly but it would be so funny just to be chatting away and then suddenly pull your glasses apart hahaha

Also you know you've watched too much CSI when you go into a shiney lift and seen lots of finger prints and thing 'Man this would take ages to process'
and/or Hotel rooms suddenly just make you feel horrid as you have visions of all the 'DNA' evidence left round the room by the previous visitors.....eeeeewwwwwww
When you are reading shipping instructions on an item you bought and at the end it has "FOB" and all you can do is think of beautiful Danny looking at Flack and show him "FOB" on the Golf ball he found. I immediately went oh yeah, Friend of Bob, I got it now"
You're looking at a poster for yet another animated feature and scrolling through the names with not much interest, and then you see 'Gary Sinise' and you're all "I am sooo going to see that!"

(just saw Open Season today, totally hilarious, and Gary's character is soooo far removed from Mac! Loved the bit where he's playing his gun like a guitar! <g>)
When you start realizing how absolutely amazing it would be to have a Scansphere Laser 3D Scene Digitizer -- in other words, that big piece of machine that Adam used to scan the "Not What It Looks Like" crimescene into his computer. Think of the possibilities...!
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