You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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...when you heard that Eddie was going to be in your Country over the summer and you started carryng round a camera just in case you crossed paths. (and you also carried one of the CSI-NY paperbacks so you'd have something to get his autograph on)
.......... you hear a song on an episode, and you start listening to the band/singer, even though you have never liked them lol
talk/coldplay for me lol
all the gifts that you got for your birthday were related to the show. I have a stuffed monkey that my aunt bought me that is dressed in suit with a police badge, she got it from build a bear. The certificate for the monkey has his name as Flack.
Leftyguitar said:
Astrid said:
Watched too much....when you want glasses that pull apart in the middle ;)
:cool: Wish I had them too.I'm not even really sure why but they're the coolest ;)

Yeah, those are gangster. YKYWTM CSINY when during your lunch,you go onto CSIfiles and and read CSINY fanfics.
YKYWTM CSINY when your sister needs the laptop to check HouseMD forum, and you keep saying "just a minute", and continue writing here at Talk :p

Sorry, gotta borrow the laptop to my sis'... :lol: cheers!
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you go on retreat for the weekend, your cabin name is Kikapoo, and ALL you can think about the ENTIRE weekend is Danny's 'Kinkapoodle'
you are in the kitchen, you hear the theme song from CSI:NY and run to see what is on the tv...only to realize that it's a commercial and they're using the same song! :p
you know you watch too much when you have pics of your favorite CSI:NY hottie on your iPod.

I'm guilty as charged with that one. :cool:
you think other people who don't stay up late to watch
because they have to work in the morning need to sort out thier priorities
You can relate every song you listen to to a character on the show.
Lol, Rad that's so what I do too! I love it! :lol:

You know you watch too much CSINY when you're desktop at work is covered with D/L & Smacked pics and you spend time you should be working talking on here and making new icons out of all your pretty pics! :lol: :lol:
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