You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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Happy B-day, athens!

You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you want to dress up like a Holly for Halloween and have your friend ( dressed as Flack, or Hawkes, or Stell ) chase you around all night.
Happy birthday athens!

... You're sitting in a class and the teacher says you have your iPods while you work so you bring yours and watch CSI: NY! (And I didn't even get caught!)

... You hear the song SexyBack and you can't help but think of CSI: NY!
thnx :D...

^I can't find them in my country the NY dvd's! I'll be fine with the one I brought from Switzerland! ;)...Maybe I'll get csimiami or lv..but this is NY!
You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When you have a friend who looks exactly like Flack and you can't keep your eyes off them.
I do it all the time. It's crazy, the first time he saw the episode he called me and asked me what was going on. Then the next day we went out and I picked on him the whole time between calling him Eddie/Flack. He got so mad.
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