You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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^ Thank you! The episode was Stealing Home (I think) and I nabbed the icon from Lizzy Sander's live journal. I can pm you the link if you don't have it - she makes excellent icons!
^^Thanks for the info...lizzy makes such wonderful icons and banners I have her on my LJ. Need to head over there now. :D

You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you can't get enough of the icons and banners and want to use them all at once.
That's so true! ^ I've just spent the past ten minutes loading a loud of new ones up to photo thingy bucket!! It's a good job I don't have shop else I'd never get any sleep or work done!!
You know you're obsessed with CSI NY when you open up the days paper and turn to the TV listings to check what time it's airing at...and then spend the next 10 minutes cursing like crazy because the stupid [expletive deleted] TV station has decided to show a soccer match instead (grrr, was 4 weeks of the World Cup not enough for them????)
And then you dash off a snotty email to the TV station berating them for getting your hopes up that you'd finally get to see S2.

Ah well, it could be worse. I got an email from to say that S2 part 1 has been posted and I should have it in 3 to 5 working days.
You know you watch too much CSI when you upload the show's theme as well as Danny's voice on your cell phone as ringing tones... that would be me. ;)
I'm with you at the theme song,but no I don't have anyone's voice! :D :lol:

I do have 35mb of csiny pictures though! ;)
Well, I made a small audio clip of him saying "Stella" (which is my name) so I hear it every time I get a text message. ;)
...and you got even more obsessed!..but that's CSINY..

oh another one:you are in holidays abroad and you see the season one dvd you buy it because you can't find it in your country ,at least in your town,and you are smiling for the rest of the day like A total IDIOT!!.. :lol:
you watch 2 much csiny when you are ready to broke everything in ur house because the chanell that shows it end their program from the cable and you must ''register'' to it for a seperate chanell
you too, huh? same here. I'm starting to get withdrawal, it feels like i haven't gotten to watch it for about a year but it can only have been a month or so...

you know you watch too much CSI:NY when you cant get above mentioned channel (stupid parents) so you go and rent DVDs of the others so you get to watch SOME form of CSI, even if it's got the wrong characters :D
when you forget your granpappy's birthday because your to busy counting down the days for the new season to premier, which happens to be his b-day.
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