You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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back-to-back 5 times?!?! ARE crazy :lol:

You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...
bedtime becomes the time when there has been no post on your threads for over half an hour... :p
When you watch Tanglewood at 12:00 am and realize that the next eppy when they bring that up again is RSRD (which of course you haven't seen becuase you're unprivaleged)...only after you've looked up every s1 episode description, dont find anything, then ask around here on the board, about ready to kill yourself becuase everyone loves this eppy, and you're the dim-wit who hasn't seen it!

I hate my life.. :rolleyes:
When you watch episodes over and over, when you constantly talk about it and end up annoying your friends and when you create your own episodes in your mind to help get you through the day.
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you bought the RC1 S1 DVDs at Ebay before they showed all eps on german tv ( so i could see eps 15-23 before they aired here :p :devil:) i was so happy :)
BeccaBoo said:
When you watch episodes over and over, when you constantly talk about it and end up annoying your friends and when you create your own episodes in your mind to help get you through the day.

:lol: I do that too sometimes!!! My friends literally have to tell me to shut up or I'll go on and on and on!
When you see a rerun on CBS's schedule, but it's new to you and you are totally reruns are the next best thing to new eps :)
When you are with your friends and starts to tell scenes from CSI and your friends look at you like at a freak because they haven't ever heard of CSI ... :( .. sad but true
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when...

...You start to tell your mother something minor about an episode and end up explaining the entire thing from beginning to end, even going so far as to include character information from other episodes. :eek:

...You see that your mother is getting glassy-eyed from the aforementioned conversation but can't seem to shut up. :lol: (I couldn't just stop in the middle of an episode! :eek: ;))
When you've been counting down the days until Season 3 starts the minute you find out when it premieres. :rolleyes:

Yes, I did that. :p

There are 71 days until CSI:NY premieres.
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