You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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...a thief breaks into ur house and u wait for the CSI:NY team to come and take finger prints or sth else :rolleyes:...or ur little cousin insists when the police come "why r they going in instead of the experts-which means me and him :D-and starts taking pics of evidence with his phone like a CSI :lol:
orison thts so cool tht ur names stella coz i totally FREAKED when mac was talkin bout the girl who droped the gun which tht doctor used to hyjak a kidney or sumat. my last name is Watson so i loved it when he sed 'now lets go see miss watson'

i was like hell yeh cum see miss watson!!! :devil:

you know u watch too much csi when u think of an apple and mac taylor when u hear the words 'apple mac'.

lol change your MSN avatar to one of the characters periodically or change your nickname to "totally obsessed with CSI:NY" and tell your friends about it all the time and open an MSN account just for the love of Carmine :D
--and change your boy friends name to Danny on your mobile :p
Orison said:
You know you watch too much CSI when you upload the show's theme as well as Danny's voice on your cell phone as ringing tones... that would be me. ;)

I know what you mean Orison. I too have the show's theme as my ringtone. I have a flip phone so I have Danny's picture on the outside screen, Flack's picture on the inside screen, and a Danny/Flack pic as the screensaver. :p

You also know you watch too much CSI:NY when everytime your cell phone rings the show's theme that you immediately think the show's coming on and you want to listen to it instead of answering your phone. :rolleyes:
You perk up every time "Baba O'Riley plays on the TV for that Mark Wahlberg movie and you're disappointed when you realize it's not a promo for CSI:NY :(
Springmoon said:
You perk up every time "Baba O'Riley plays on the TV for that Mark Wahlberg movie and you're disappointed when you realize it's not a promo for CSI:NY :(

I do the same thing! I think they need to get a new song for it!

You know you watch too much CSI: NY when...

You are watching America's Got Talent because a relative is on it and then you hear the CSI: NY theme song. And it was the Blue Man Group playing it! I freaked out!
CSIflack said:
you watch 2 much csiny when you are ready to broke everything in ur house because the chanell that shows it end their program from the cable and you must ''register'' to it for a seperate chanell
you too, huh? same here. I'm starting to get withdrawal, it feels like i haven't gotten to watch it for about a year but it can only have been a month or so...

you know you watch too much CSI:NY when you cant get above mentioned channel (stupid parents) so you go and rent DVDs of the others so you get to watch SOME form of CSI, even if it's got the wrong characters :D

now,I'm happy again..I got the chanell..after losing four episodes but..and I'm glad they air the show here and they didn't stop it!.. :D

hey,you can't forget your family''s birthday for the don't have to! :lol: :rolleyes:
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